twenty one

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He just stares at me with an unreadable expression. 

So many different emotions swirls in his eyes, I can't decipher them. 

"God forgive me for what I'm about to do" He mutters before suddenly standing up, grabbing the back of my legs and connecting our lips. 

I barely have to time hold onto him before my back is pushed into the bed. He settles between my legs, his hand tangled in my hair as the other on holds onto my waist tightly. I can't do anything but hold onto his shoulders and let him have full control. 

The feeling of Adrian's body pressing into mine sent a wave of butterflies through me. No one has ever given me the feeling he has and I'm swimming in those feelings right now.

"You have no idea how fucking sexy you are, princess. One day I'm going to show you exactly how perfect I think you are" He whispers against my lips before moving down to my jaw. I just nod and run my hands through his hair. 

"One day I'll own every inch of your perfect body, I fucking swear to leave you shaking" He adds, his voice so much deeper. 

Adrian has never spoken to me like this, normally I would try to kill him for it. But now all I wanted is for him to show me what he means by his words. 

"Then show me, please" I finally respond, he chuckles and leans back to look at me. "Princess you aren't ready for what I plan to do with you. One day though, one day you will experience everything I'm thinking of and so much more" 

I frown and stare into his eyes, the eyes I've grown so accustomed too. The eyes that make me feel so much love and safety. 

I'm still completely wrapped around him, my legs locking him against me. He just stares down at me, "I'm not going to mess this up you with, Tate. You're not someone I'm going to fuck for the hell of it. I need you to fully trust me before we ever cross that line" 

"I do trust you" I whisper back, he shakes his head and pulls us both until I'm straddling his lap as he leans against the headboard. 

"No, you trust me with your past and your life. I need you to trust me with your body." Adrian quickly retorts, I scoff and lean into his chest, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't sleep in the same bed as you if I didn't trust you with my body, Adrian. You wouldn't be touching me like this if I didn't. Don't get it twisted, I trust you with every part of me" I answer, he physically relaxes and kisses the side of my head mumbling an 'okay' into my hair.

We stay like that for awhile before a knock sounds from the door. Adrian carefully lifts me off him onto the other side of the bed, he walks over to the door and quietly speaks to the person on the other side. 

Trying to get comfortable, I pull off my leggings and slide under the covers. I turn on the TV and look for something to watch, but I get interrupted from my browsing by the sound of a throat being cleared. 

Looking over, Adrian is standing there holding my discarded leggings.

"Can I help you?" I ask, he smirks and looks at the leggings before looking back at me. 

"Are you trying to seduce me, princess? Because if so, you're going to want to try a little hard than this" He says, I scoff and look back at the tv. "If I really was trying to seduce you, you would know" 

He hums and walks into the closet before quickly walking out in just a pair of sweatpants. I ignore the funny feeling in my stomach and continue trying to find us a movie to watch as he slides into the bed with me. His arm goes around my waist and pulls me into his chest. 

"Oh hell no, we aren't watching this bullshit. Give me that" He says right as I click on a romance movie. I laugh and watch him pick out something else. 

I trace the scattered tattoos and lines of defined muscle on his chest as he watches the movie with a little to much blood for my liking. Normally I would freak out at the scenes in movies like this, but being in Adrian's arms, focusing on the artwork littering his body, I feel fine. 

His hand slowly moves from my waist down to my ass, every time he squeezes a big grin forms on his face like he is a teenage boy touching a girl for the first time. 

"Are you sure you're a big bad mafia king?" I ask, he laughs and looks down at me. "I'm very sure princess, you're just the only person who gets to see this side of me" He answers, I smile and lean up to kiss his cheek. His grin grows even more as he looks back at the screen, small dimples I've never noticed before forming on his face. 

I can't help but watch him for a moment, he looks so happy and relaxed. I don't think I've ever seen him like this before.

I loved it.


"Wake up lovebirds, we have some shit to fuck up" A loud voice yells out, I groan and further bury myself into Adrian's side. 

"Fuck off, At. Let us sleep" The man I'm complete pressed into says, "You lovesick assholes can cuddle and be all in love later. We have shit to take care of" I feel him tense at the words Atlas was using, I probably did too.

"Get out" 

"Fine, but you two better be ready in 20 minutes" Finally the door closes and I open my eyes to find a pissed off Adrian. 

I rub my hand over his stomach and kiss his shoulder, "You're friend is really annoying" I say.

He smiles down at me and nods, "He is, but we probably should go just end this bullshit" I nod but don't move from my comfy place tucked into his side.

Instead focusing on the tattoo on his left lower hip, just barely visible with his sweatpants on. It was small print writing in a language I didn't recognized but kept tracing and looks at.

"What does this say?" I ask pointing to it, he looks down and smiles. 

"Mijn mooie koningin van vuur" He says, I furrow my brows and wait for him to translate it. 

"It's Dutch, princess" He adds, I nod and look back down at it. "What does it mean in English?" 

He smiles and smooths out my hair, "That's for me to know and for you to find out whenever I feel like it" I groan and roll out of bed.

"Come one, your ass wipe of a friend is waiting for us"

(Translation: "My beautiful queen of fire")

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