thirty one

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We didn't even make it into the city before Adrian got a call that he was needed at the warehouse. He held my hand tightly was we walk through the maze like halls of the warehouse. 

A group of scary looking men stand at the end of the hallway, it reminds of my first encounter with Adrian. 

"Stand straight, and remember you're the queen of this castle" Adrian whispers into my ear right before we get in earshot of the men. I nod slightly and void all of the emotions on my face that stir inside of me. 

Now was the chance to be by his side and be his partner. 

One of the men immediately stick out to me. Bald head and a long red beard, he's shorter than Adrian but taller than me, and he looks insanely familiar. If I weren't mistaken, I once knew him. His green eyes lock in on me and he seems to feel the same strange recognition as me.

"Alright gentlemen, what's the issue" Adrian says, pulling me from my thoughts. 

A black haired man that doesn't look much older than Adrian speaks, "We've all been having an issue with moles and none of them speaking as to who they belong too. But that isn't the case anymore" they all nod and look at one another.

Adrian has been deal with moles in his business?

"I had taken on a kid last year, Ronnie McMillon. Seemed nice enough, grew up in foster care, but he gotten taken under by the Castellano's. He won't say what they threatened him with, but it was enough to shift his loyalties completely." I hold back all of my questions as the man speaks, staying glued to Adrian's side. "He said he was one of many to be recruited, many apart of the Kings' and Ravano clans and the others scattered throughout the rest. A rough 400 or so lower level kids. And you will never guess what their purpose was" He says the last part with a pissed off look.

He looks over at me, something spins inside of me that's makes me more afraid than that first night Adrian had pulled a gun on me.

"The current leader of the Castellano clan is in search of someone, claims that his older sister had abandoned him as a small child. And then committed the worst crime possible, fell in the arms of the enemy." He won't look away from me, but he can't be talking about me. 

My only sibling died in my arms, he was taken away and never got a proper burial. Or one that I know of. 

"Miss Tate Carter, you are on the right side of this war we are about to enter. But rest assure, your baby brother will stop at nothing until he gets the revenge he thinks he deserves. Tommy is one crazy motherfucker, and it's only going to get worse when daddy dearest gets out" 

My eyes widen, my brother is alive. And he wants me dead. 

I look up at Adrian, nothing but regret shines in his eyes. 

"Ok so let me get this straight, my baby brother. Who died in my arms when he was 11 years old is actually alive and well. Thinks I am the cause of his suffering, and is attack all of your empires  to kill me?" I ask, they all nod quietly. 

I rub my forehead and try to process how this is even possible. 

"Si, Miss Carter. And we believe it's only right for you to decide how we proceed with this since this is your family we are talking about here"

"Ok, uh what's your name?" I ask the man who just told me all of this. "Dominic" He says, I nod and smile. 

"Ok, Dominic. Here's how this is going to go, I don't give a single fuck how bloody you idiots make this war. Do what you must to avenge the damage that has been done to you. But all I truly want is a private talk with the man who claims to be my brother once all is said and done. And if Adrian doesn't come home to me unharmed, I will be personally castrating all of you and force feeding your balls to you." I say moving my eyes around the circle. 

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