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Walking quietly back into my room my eyes fall to Tate in my bed, her red hair covering both pillows and her face.

It felt right having her in my bed, I just wish it was under different circumstances. 

Quietly as possible I get ready, right as reach for the door a small raspy voice sounds through the room.

"Adrian?" Turning around, I try to suppress my smile at the current state of her messy hair. I move towards her and try to smooth down her hair. 

"Just go back to sleep, I have something I need to go take care of and after that we're gonna go on an adventure" I whisper, Tate nods and leans into my shoulder. 

"Your bed is comfy" She murmurs, "You're welcome to sleep here whenever you want, princess" 

She scoffs and pushes my shoulder, "Moment ruined, go away" I laugh as she shoos me away with her hand before falling back down on the bed and quickly falling asleep.

I can't be watch her for a moment, why did I never notice how beautiful she was in high school?

The woman sleeping is very different from the girl I watch Olivia harass in high school, but looking back her appearance hasn't changed much. It's only now though I'm noticing her gorgeous features.

"Stop staring"

Her words snap me from me trance, and I quickly left going to my meeting with Atlas.


"I got good news and I got some bad news" He starts the second I walk into my office, "Well spit it out, I got other plans today"

"Ok, good news. Jonah still thinks we have no clue where Tate is. Inner circle is only aware, as far as lower levels are concerned she is still out of our reach." He starts, I nod and wait for him to say whatever the bad news is. But he just stands there awkwardly. 

"Atlas, I really don't have time for you to be quiet right now. Please just tell me the bad news" I say, he sighs and sits down in the chair. 

"Tate can't be stay in San Jose much longer, sooner or later she is going to get found be our men or Jonah and his goons. I know she is finally comfortable there with you, but it's not safe and we both know that. I'm sorry man but you need to hear it. She can go to our base in Sydney with Devon, that way to she could surf and Sav could see her again." He immediately responds.

"I don't know what's going on between you two, but this is about her safety. I can see the look in your eyes when her name is brought up. This is none of my business, but you can't be selfish right now. Tate deserves safety, just think about it." He adds before getting up and leaving without another word.

He's right and I hate it. 

It's only a matter of time before Jonah figures out Tate has been with me the past couple of weeks, and then he'll strike. 

Finally getting myself out of the chair, I drive back to the apartment and find Tate sitting on the couch with her nose in yet another book. Sitting down next to her, my arm goes to the back of the couch as her body leans into mine until she is a little ball pressed against my side. 

Somehow her feet end up between my legs while she adjust into the new position. I can't help but smile at her serious expression, her eyes completely glued to the words on the pages. 

"We need to talk" I say grabbing the book out of her hands and place the bookmark in her page before setting it down. 

Her honey brown eyes look up at me in confusion, but I notice she doesn't move from my side. 

"Me and Atlas were talking about some logistics today, and the issue of your safety came up. The few who know of your whereabouts are concerned that if Jonah finds out your here things could get messy" I start, she nods and stays silent for once. 

"We have this base in Sydney, it's small and far away from other people. It's also near a good surfing beach you could go to."

"You want me to move to Australia?" She cuts me off, I rub my eyes and shake my head no. 

I didn't want her too, I wanted her here with me. I could protect her, she is safe and comfortable here.

"Trust me, this is the last thing I want to do. But it's about your safety and making sure nothing bad happens to you" I say, she moves in my arms so she is facing me. 

"Would you stay here?" She asks, I don't want to answer her. Over the past couple of weeks, she has finally started to trust me and listen to me. Now here I was telling her I'm once again throwing her into a different environment without warning. 

"Yes, I would have to stay here. But the person who runs that base is someone I trust a lot. I wouldn't be asking this of you unless I thought it was safe and necessary" 

She shake her head and looks down. 

"Then I'm not going, I like it here even if it gets boring." Her eyes are nothing but pleading. Begging me not to do this. 

My hand cups her jaw as I try to figure what she is thinking. 

"Please, this is the only way I can keep you safe"

"Fuck being safe Adrian. This place is a goddamn fortress, please just don't leave me" She whimpers and tears start forming in her eyes. The look she is giving me breaks my last piece of common sense as the words fly out of mouth.

"Ok, we'll work something out. But that means we have to be very carefully alright?" Tate sniffles and nods in response before leaning back into my chest and pulling her arms around herself. 

"I'm not going to leave you" I whisper into her hair as I feel small wet spots forming my shirt where her face is hidden.

My arm close around her and try to figure out how I'm going to tell Atlas she is going stay with me. I know I can keep her safe, especially here of all places. 

"Ready to go on an adventure, princess?" I ask, she slowly looks up at me and nods. 

"Well go find a swimsuit and hurry up" I say, she smiles and gets up walking to her room that was cleaned up today. 

Soon enough she comes back out with a big smile on her face and we walk out to the car. 

Her eyes stay on the window as we drive out of the city and into the rural country until we finally get to our destination. The already big smile on her face grows as I walk to the trunk, pulling out her surfboard that is freshly waxed and a towel. 

"But how did you get this?" She asks taking the board out of my hands and inspecting it. 

"I have my ways, come on we got all afternoon" I respond before taking her hand and leading both of us down the stairs to the clean, private beach. 

Without a word she takes off to the water and disappears behind the waves before appearing, her smile still visible from here. 

Taking a seat on the sand, I watch her finally do what she seems to love most for hours. 

Finally the sunsets and she walks back over to me soaking wet. I try to suppress the urge to look at her body in the small suit and focus on her face.

"This is what I needed, thank you" She says while taking the towel from out outstretched hand and sitting down next to me. 

"Anything for you, we can come here whenever. This is private beach so no one but us" I respond, she nods and leans her head onto my shoulder. 

"I'm not going to Australia, right?" 

"No, if you don't want to go you don't have to. And I'm plenty capable of keeping you safe, I didn't like the idea of sending you anyways" I respond, I feel her nod against my shoulder and move a little closer. 

"Ready to head back?" I ask, she nods and stands up. I grab the board as she keeps the towel wrapped around her body. 

Unlocking the car she gets in as I place the board in the back. 

Then I hear it right before I get into the driver's seat. 

A gun cocking. 

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