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"She is going to ask questions" 

"Like any sane person would, but she is on a lot of pain meds right now. She will be completely out of it" A voice off in the distance says.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. It hurts to move, my eyes refuse to open and I feel almost frozen. But I can hear the people in the room. The voices sound familiar but I can't quite place it. 

The bed I'm in doesn't even feel like my bed. Nor does it smell like it. It smells way to manly for it to be mine. 

"Will you douchebags keep it down, she is asleep" Another voice says in an angry tone, but that one my brain instantly pinpoints. 


What happened last night?

Where was I?

My eyes finally open and settle in on 3 figures, all blurry. 

Two of them move out of the room as my vision focuses and I slowly sit up, my whole body protesting the movement. 

Rubbing the sleep away from my eyes makes the pain go straight into my side. My hands go to my side quickly but someone catches my hands. 

"No sudden movements" Adrian's deep voice orders, I look up to meet his grey eyes as he gives me a pointed look. "Lay back down"

I cock an eyebrows at his demand, "Please" he adds, I weakly smile and ease back down into the very soft bed. 

The bed dips beside my legs, and he sighs. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks awkwardly, "Like I got almost kidnapped and stabbed" he scoffs and shakes his head looking over at me. 

"A bit early to make jokes about it don't you think?" I sit up again, "Well it's either that or cry"

Adrian shakes his head again and looks down at the ground. I watch his jaw clench and unclench repeatedly like he is has an enteral battle himself over something. 

"I know I can't order you around, but I really don't want you staying in that apartment anymore. We can work out for you stay somewhere else, but Jo- the bad men knows where you live and got in. You really need to be somewhere I have access too, somewhere I have control over. And before you say anything, may I remind you, you agreed to let me protect you" He says quickly, it takes me a minute to process everything he says before I come to the conclusion I can't really think and process anything. 

"Can we talk about this later?" I ask, he nods and looks back down at the floor. Slowly and very painfully I lay back down and fall back asleep. 

What did they give me?


"I can't eat that" I say looking at the bowl of mac and cheese Adrian brought me. 

"And why is that?" He ask in a clearly annoyed tone, when I woke again I didn't take the pain meds so I could think and now I'm watch a grown ass man try to figure out what to feed me. 

"Like I already told you, I'm lactose intolerant. Unless I want to throw up for two hours straight, this isn't going to work" I explain. 

He rolls his eyes and walks out of the room he won't let me out of.  Then the yelling starts, well Adrian yelling and someone else laughing. 

"What the fuck is lactose intolerant?" He yells outside the door, is he for real right now? How do you not know what that is?

"It means she can't having anything with lactose, so basically all dairy. It will make her sick" Someone responds between laughs. 

"Of course because why wouldn't she have a dietary restriction no one informed me of!" 

"Didn't she just tell you?"

"Aren't you the doctor here?"

"Not her doctor, and last night I was bit to busy to ask if she had any"

Adrian says something inaudible to me and then there was silence. 

So he can find my location in 2 minutes, show up with a whole group of armed men in those minutes. For such a smart seeming man, he is also quite stupid that a pretty normal dietary restriction had to be explained to him. 

Carson walks back into the room, with a small smirk on his face. 

"I'm guessing you heard Adrian's little tantrum" He laughs, I nod with a small smile and pull my shirt up for him to change the dressing. 

Once he is done, Adrian walks back in with chicken nuggets. 

"Oh did I forget to mention I'm vegan?" I say, he glares at me and I start laughing. "Jesus, I'm kidding" 

He sighs and hands me the plate before talking in a hushed voice to Carson where I couldn't hear. I pick at the food in front of me, not very hungry even though I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and it's about midday now. 

My head is pounding, it's hard to think. Everything about the past 24 hours has been something I won't fully process for awhile. 

Then Carson leaves the room and Adrian starts walking towards me, but my eyes stay on the food in front of me. He rips away the pillow from behind me and pours the pain meds I have been hiding in there into his hand. 

"Oh my god, who put those in there" I say quietly, he tilts his head and places the pills in his pockets. "If you didn't want to take them you could have said so" He says sitting down next to me, I shrug and look down again. 

"Well since you are clearly not drugged up, we have something to discuss." 

I stay quiet and wait for him to speak, I don't really remember anything after Carson gave me the meds last night but I think he had mentioned something about my apartment. 

"You are going to move somewhere else" He states, my eyes flash back up to him and wait for further explanation. "I know I said earlier it was your choice, but when I had a team go back to your place to see how the- uh bad men got in and there was a lot of damage. They had gone back in a ransacked the place. I'm sorry Tate, I really am. But this isn't your choice anymore" Adrian explains before getting up and leaving me without any chance to ask about anything. 

My jaw hangs on the floor as he disappears out the door. 

Oh hell no, that is not going to happen. 

When I agreed to let him protect me, I thought that entailed a bodyguard following me around and if I felt off I could call Adrian. But this? Being told my home, my safe place was broken into and torn apart, and because of that I have to move out to wherever the hell Adrian was sending me. 

God knows I don't want to live with him, near him, or anywhere owned by him. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

Why doesn't he just kill the guy and get this all over with? If Adrian is who I think he is, then he fully has the power to kill the 'bad men' and then let me go back to my life. 

Adrian can't and won't do this, I won't let him. It will be a cold day in hell before I listen to word of his bullshit. 

All in his headWhere stories live. Discover now