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It has been a week since I last saw Tate, and I still had yet to read through the file. The only reason I have even opened it was to get her phone number to text her, though she never responded. 

Being around her last week made the feeling that I knew her one point more prominent. Clearly I knew her, and if she recognizes me from somewhere is she choosing to ignore it.

Maybe I should look through the file, for something that could lead me to a point where our paths crossed. 

Atlas walks into my office just like everyday with that gross lovesick grin on his face. 

"Jesus fuck, look through that god damn file already" He groans noticing it sitting in the chair in front of my desk. "It strangely feels wrong to go through every detail of her life" I mutter looking at the file, he sighs and leans back in the chair. 

"Still think you know her from somewhere?" I nod and rub my eyes, I was letting this get to me for no god damn reason. "Well, if you at least skim it. See what high school she went to her, where she grew up, you might be able to find the connection." He says. 

Deciding to stop being a little bitch I open it and find the page with her high school on it. 

Southern Ridge High School, Class of 2015

Oh fuck, there is no way Tate was her. 

Atlas grabs the piece of paper from my hands and his eyes go wide. 

"Tate wasn't that one girl right? That's not possible right?" He asks, I stay still. 

No, it can't be with the way Tate carries herself. Then again people change a lot in 6 years. And after what happened in that high school it wouldn't be that surprising she changed. 

"Oh my god, Adrian. You need to get her protection now. She doesn't need anymore shit to happen to her" Atlas says in a frantic voice, I nod and call the head of security to make sure she has shadow protection 24/7 starting now. 

Why did it have to be her? Out of all the people in this city, it had to be the one person that didn't know who I was in high school I knew her. Everyone knew the little red head, even though she kept her head down and barely spoke.

Fuck, this makes things more complicated. If Jonah finds out I actually know her, he will without a doubt go after her and I can't have that. Not Tate, that the smart little red head who went through way to much shit as a child.

"I'll talk to her after work" I state, he nods and leaves me to work. Not that I was going to get much down after this discovery.


"Her name is Tate Carter, you are to have absolutely zero contact with her unless she is attacked or approached by one of Jonah's men or Jonah himself. Tate is unaware of the protection we are providing for her and it is to stay that way, understood?" I yell, all of my men nod before I dismiss them to their work. 

Walking out the door of my office building my eyes widen at the first thing I saw. 

A very angry Tate holding Jax, one of the members of her security, by the sleeve and walking over to me. 

"Next time you try to give me protection I didn't ask for, I will kill you" She threatens before walking off. Looking over at a scared looking Jax, he shrugs and waits for me to say something. 

"What happened?" I deadpan, he nervously laughs and looks at Tate's retreating figure. 

"I followed her to the beach after work, and I don't know how she pointed me out but she did and she just figured it out, I didn't say a word to her" He stammers, "I'll deal with it. Go talk to Kai about it" I say. He nods and walks back into the building as I walk in the direction Tate went.

Quickly I catch to her and walk beside her, the rage is rolling off of her. Yeah, probably shouldn't have put Jax on the team. He stands out like a sore thumb. 

She huffs and keeps walk to the sand, then I notice her attire. A small baby blue bikini top and shorts, showing off her beautiful body. My mouth runs dry, holy fuck. 

Once back on the sand she slips out of the shorts and my pants become tighter, god when did I become such a pervert? 

"You better be gone by the time I'm back" She says while picking up her board and walking away from me. My eyes stay glued to her slim body as she walks away, of course I knew who she was in high school but how did I never notice how gorgeous she was or is? 

Knowing no one else is here to guard her I sit down next to her stuff and wait for her to do whatever the hell surfing people do. I can barely swim let alone surf, so I know nothing about it. Maybe to annoy Tate, I can ask her. 

An hour or so passes and she finally walks back over soaking wet. She ignores me as she dries off and puts on her shorts and a hoodie. Finally looking at me with her golden eyes shining nothing but anger. 

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" She spits angrily at me, I can't but smirk at how cute her red face is right now. I stand up and look down at her, "You did, but I don't take orders from you, princess"

She scoffs and grabs her things, I follow her as she walks to the car park. I watch her some how throw her board on top of the car, strap it down, and climb off the roof. Yes, she was on her car roof to strap it down, that is how small she is. 

Tate turns around to face me and crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at me. A weird feeling takes over me, looking over the car and to the surrounding areas. I shuffle a little closer to Tate, trapping her between me and the car waiting for my eye to catch the thing setting of my senses. 

I hear her say something, but I'm not listening. My eyes keep scanning the crowds trying to find someone. Then I spot him, Julian. Jonah's little brother and right hand man, even more evil than Jonah. 

Keeping my eyes on Julian I find her hair and shove it into the hoodie. Her flaming red hair is her most prominent feature, it has to be covered for us to make it out of this without any gun shot wounds. 

"Adrian, what the hell are yo-" My hand slaps over her mouth as I see him start moving closer to us though it's clear he hasn't spotted me. I drag us to the ground and pull her into my chest, keeping the hand over her mouth. 

"One of the bad men are here, stay quiet and I will get us out of here" I whisper into her ear, she nods and what feels like leans into me a little more. "Give me your keys" Thankful she complies and places the car keys in my hands without a sound. 

I open her backseat down, pushing her in before climbing in after her. Her eyes widen at our closeness, but I just look out the window to watch Julian's moves. I feel her hands pushing at my chest, even throwing the occasional weak punch. 

How adorable.

His eyes start making their way over to our direction, without thinking my head moves to her neck. I don't make contact, I just hover but I feel her breathing hitch.

"Put your hands on my shoulders, pretend like you like this" I whisper, her small hands go to my shoulder just like I asked. One even travels to the back of my neck. I fight the urge to call her a 'good girl' at her obedience. 

Shuffling sounds from out the car, he is close. He would be able to tell if my lips were actually on her neck or not if he got to close. "I'm doing this for your own good" I whisper, my hands find her waist and my lips going to her neck. 

Lightly kissing the area making sure not to leave any marks, she isn't mine to mark. At least not yet. her hands squeeze my shoulder and neck tightly. "Look out the window, if you see a tall bearded man with blonde hair squeeze my neck. If not squeeze my shoulder" I order into her neck. A few seconds later she squeezes my shoulder, my head snaps up and shows he is gone. 

Tate wiggles out from under me and looks at me with furrowed brows. We silently stare at each other, tears start to line her eyes and she looks down. 

"I can protect you, Tate. Please let me" I plead, she mumbles an ok and moves to me, laying her head on my chest. My arm instinctively go around her and pull her closer. 

At least she is going to let me protect her.  

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