twenty five

992 42 6


The drive to my parents home was quiet, the nervous energy rolling off Tate in waves. 

Her nails shakily running up and down my arm as we get deeper into the residential area of the small town. If only she knew how excited they are to meet her.

Even in high school, my mom was intrigued by her and always asked if I saw her that day or if she looked like she had eaten that day. At the time it was strange why my mom seemed so dead set on our family helping her, but now I wish I had done what she requested. 

My mom always held that over my head too. Not once after graduation did she not mention that sweet girl who just needed someone to stand up for her and ask if I knew where she ended up.

I thought her head was going to explode when I told her about what had happened with Tate. 

That was 2 months ago.

At the time we were truly nothing, but now it's different. I know where we stand now and that she fully trusts me.

Finally I pull into the driveway of the house and turn off the car. 

Tate just stares at the front door, for the first time in awhile, she is completely unreadable. I have no idea what is happening inside her head.

Giving her thigh I squeeze she turns to me and lets hints of her nervousness slip into her beautiful eyes. 

"What if they-"

"Don't even think about it, princess. They're going to love you" I cut her off, she nods and looks back at the house. The gears in her head shift until she finally nods and moves my hand away from her leg. "You better be right or I'm gonna kill you when we get home"

I laugh and get out of the car, now isn't the time to focus on her calling the apartment home. Rounding the car, our hands intertwine before finally walking to the door. 

Before either of us have the chance to knock, the door swings open and my mom stands there grinning at us. She pulls me into a hug then looks over at Tate almost in awe. 

"It's lovely to meet you dear, you're more beautiful than I ever could have imagined" A light tint of pink formed on Tate's cheeks as she smiles and nods, "Thank you Mrs Kings"

Her voice is soft but full of confidence that wasn't there a couple minutes ago. I smile down at her and lead her into the house behind my mom. 

"Please Tate, call me Lisa." My mom adds, they begin making small talk as I look around the house they moved into after I graduated high school and my father stepped down from the family business. 

Pictures of me and my siblings from our youth scattered throughout, little things my mom would buy whenever we were out of the country on vacation. I catch Tate smiling at the different pictures on the wall as we walk down the hall and into the living room. 

"Where's dad?" I ask, they both look at me like they forgot I was in the room and my mom shrugs. 

"He should be getting back soon, but who knows with rush hour traffic." I nod and we sit down. 

Tate and I sit in the loveseat across from my mom as they find more things to talk about. I remain quiet just watching them, watching Tate interact with my mother this way made me fall for her more and make her seem even more perfect. 

I had brought Olivia around my parents a couple of times, and she was nothing but rude to them. But here is Tate happily speaking with her and her beautiful smile spread across her face. 

Taking my hand out of hers, I put my arm around her waist and pull her into my side. Her tiny hand starts playing with my fingers as she holds her attention to my mom telling her some random story. 

I've always known Tate to be an introvert. Ever since I've known her, she only spoke when necessary and wouldn't really speak to people she doesn't know. Yet here she is, speaking like she has known my mother her whole life. 

"Where's that lovesick bastard!" A familiar voice yells before a door slams. "Oh my fucking god" I mumble, and feel Tate instantly become nervous at the new voice and presence.  

My older brother walks in the room with a grin on his face. "Well I be damned, Mr 'I will never get married' brought home his girl. When's the wedding, Aid? Because personally, I think I should be the best man" 

I rub my eyes and feel a tiny hand pulling at my fingers. "Tate, this is my big brother, Alexander. Xander, this is Tate" she smiles up at him as he pats my head and takes a seat next to me. 

"Blah blah, I'm fully aware of who you're pussy whipped for baby bro. Just because I live in a different country, doesn't mean I'm not aware of what you're up too" He says and swings an around my my shoulders before looking over at Tate.

"Miss Tate Carter, it's a pleasure to meet you and not have to see that bitch Olive again" He grins, Tate laughs and they all begin talking with our mom. I smile at Xander calling Olivia 'Olive' and getting the point across of how much they disliked her. 

Slowly, she begins to relax with the new addition to the room and pulls at my hand until its resting on her stomach. 

"So Tate, what do you do for work?" Xander asks, she smiles and sits up a little straighter. 

"Currently I'm not working but I have a masters degree from Stanford in Aerospace Engineering and was a military aero mathematics manager for awhile" She answers, my brother raises his eyebrows in disbelief before whistling and leaning back in his seat. "And what the hell does a mathematics manager do?"

"Basically it was my job to verify and present the mechanical engineers with the equations for how the aero plane was going to functions. So like in fuel usage, speed, how fast it could gain altitude" She explains, Xander stares at her like she is crazy and I smirk at him. 

"Holy fuck, you're smart. Thank god, Aid didn't bring home an airhead" He says before the sound of the door closing rings through the house and my father walks in. 

More introductions happen and both Tate and my mom go into the kitchen. 

My brother and dad just stare at me, "You're fucking insane you know that? Going for the Carter girl." my dad says. I shrug and cross my arms, "It's not like I planned for it to happen, it just did"

He shakes his head and looks into the kitchen to make sure the girls aren't listening.

"Adrian, don't get me wrong. I see the way you two care for one another, but there are somethings that come with a girl like her you aren't prepared for" I scoff and shake my head. 

"Father I respect your opinion, I really do. But I'm fully prepared for whatever comes if it means I get to have her in my life. I'm 25 fucking years old, I am not a stupid 16 year old anymore" I spit back, he glares at me and leans forward in his chair. 

"So you've been keeping track on her father and uncles whereabouts and status? " He asks, I shake my head and he smirks. "Son, you better start then. Her uncle is set to be released in 3 months, her father a month after that. And I can assure you, the moment they find out their flesh and blood is with a Kings. They will come for you, for her, and for this empire we have all worked hard to build."

I nod and look back at Tate, her long red hair now tied in a bun on the top of her head as she helps my mom cook. A big smile on her face, her honey eyes sparkling, and faint dimples poking in her cheeks.

So fucking perfect.

"Adrian, if you love her like I think you do. You need to start preparing for a war, those two bastards won't go down without a fight and I know for a damn fact you won't either" 

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