twenty seven

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So this book will definitely have a sequel, and unfortunately the end is nearing :(



I don't know what was said between Adrian and his dad, but I can feel his uneasiness the whole night with his family. Even through all of his mom's comments about how excited she is for us to give her a grandchild, I knew it was something else other than the idea of our children. 

I've seen him stressed about work before and the way his is acting is similar to that. The standing over me, him zoning out in deep thought, and most of all the way he didn't leave my side once since he and his dad talked. 

Even when we went to sleep, he seemed to hold me a little tighter than normal. Maybe it's all in my head, maybe he just sensed how nervous I was to meet his family. He does seem to have the superpower of being able to read my every thought and emotion. 

The next morning during breakfast, he got a call from Atlas about a problem happening and we had to leave. Now we were back in car and he was even more tense, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was holding the wheel. 

His mom had sent me a couple texts, I really liked getting to meet her. 

Looking over at Adrian, he only looks more angry. His jaw is tightly clenched and I watch his chest rise and fall in uneven breaths. Unsurely, I reach over and rub his bicep. He lets out a deep breath and grabs my hand resting it on his leg. 

We both stay quiet as he gets closer to the warehouse, but I can still feel his anger. At one point I moved our interlocked hands to my lap and traces the scattered tattoos on his arm. He seems to calm down a little more and somewhat relaxes. 

He pulls down the deserted road and into the secure warehouse. 

"Do you want me to stay in the car?" I ask, he frowns and nods. "I shouldn't be long" He responds, squeezing his hand one last time he lets my hand go and leans over the console. With a small kiss, he smiles at me and hands me the keys to the car.

"If I'm gone longer than 20 minutes come find me" He says before getting out of the car and walking towards a small group of men waiting be the large doors.   

I watch him walk into the building, he looked back at me with a small smile on his face before fully disappearing from my view. 

A sinking feeling started forming in my stomach as I begin to process how he was acting. Something bad is happening, and I doubt Adrian is going to tell me. 

Looking around the car for something to entertain myself with, I see his phone laying on the driver's seat. Face up and buzzing with notifications. I pick up the phone and put it on silence before setting it back down. 

I had no reason to see why it was going off so much, he hasn't given me a single reason to feel like I had to look. But the more the phone continued to buzz on his seat the more curious I became. 

Before I got my phone fixed, I would play games on his phone and never did it go off this much. Not even when Atlas and Kai found Jonah. 

Looking back at the doors one last time, I pick up the phone and feel my heart sink.

New Texts:






So many other girls name continuing to pop up. I hadn't clicked to see what they were saying, I don't think I want to know what all of them could possibly be texting Adrian.

I just watch them all flood in, the knot in my stomach growing tighter and tighter. 

Why did I meet his family if he is still talking to other girls? Why am I still around?

Slowly I lower the phone and spot Adrian walking out of the building talking to Kai. 

The sick feeling only gets worse as he gets closer to me. I don't want him near me right now, not until he can explain why the hell he is getting so many texts from so many girls. He had told me I was his endgame.

But what did that really mean? I was just a game and not the person he wanted for the rest of his life?  Was everything just a game to him?

My eyes fall back onto the screen, they had slowed down but still more names kept popping up. 

The car door opens and his scent invades my space, I need him out of my space. 

"Princess, what are you doing?" He asks, I can hear the fear in his voice but I can't look at him right now.

"Drive, we have some shit to discuss" I deadpan, his phone still open and on the messages. I know he sees what I have. 

Adrian is far from stupid, he must have figured out what I am thinking. 

"Tate, it isn't what you think. I know it looks bad, but I'm not fucking around with you. I can explain eve-" 

"Shut up and drive" I cut him off, I don't want to hear it right now. 


The moment we got back to the apartment, I walked back to our room and went to the bathroom to shower. The hot water didn't help the awful feeling that has fully settled now.

Rough hands land on my waist and I feel Adrian's chest against my back. 

"Can I at least try and explain what you saw?" He asks in a rough voice, I shrug and turn around under the water to look in his eyes.

His normally bright eyes, now dark and full of regret. He brings his hand up to my hair, pushing it away from my face and resting it on the back of my neck.

"All of those girls were girls we went to high school with, at some point or another we had hooked up or something like that" He starts, my heart just sinks even more. That is a lot of people to have hooked up with. "I was going to show you when we got home, but my mom had posted a picture of us on Facebook. And they had all seen it and probably recognized you. That why they were texting, I haven't spoke to any of them in months."

I nod, but still feel sick to my stomach by his touch. The hands touching my bare waist were the same ones who had touched some many others before. 

I hated it.

"Princess, I'm so sorry that happened and you had to see. After we finish showering, I'll block and delete all of them from my phone. They had no right to text me over us being together" He adds, I nod again and look anywhere but at him. 

He rests his head on my shoulder and fully hugs me to his body. "Please say something" He whispers, I mess with the chain hanging from his neck and try to further calm myself.

"You're lying to me, something else happened and that's the other half of why you're pissing me off" I answer, he tenses and fully stands up again. "You have been acting weird since you talked with your dad and brother alone when we first got to your parent's house. So spit it out already, you aren't going to sit here and only tell me half of the fucking truth" I add poking his chest. 

Shaking his head, he closes his eyes and goes back to resting my shoulder. "You don't want to know" 

I scoff and grab his jaw in my hands making him look at me.

"Answer the fucking question, Adrian"

All in his headWhere stories live. Discover now