thirty four

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Two days pass in complete silence, no one comes to the cabin I'm in. And all I can do is hope Adrian is safe. I don't have any cell service, but the calming views of the ocean help soothe my thoughts. 

I try to think of all of the times Adrian and I have been at the beach together.

From the first night we had crossed paths all the way to 4 days ago when he had proposed to me on the beach. So much has happened in such little time, I had despised him months ago and somehow the hate morphed into love. No matter how much I pushed him away or broke down in front of him, he had stayed and proved that he cared. 

I don't want to be selfish.

I can't be right, not when I know Adrian is starting a war with my own bloodline in order to keep me safe and with him. He is needed by the people who have put their loyalty in him, but still I can't help but wonder why it's at my expense? I have been relocated to a remote cabin with no knowledge of what is happening. 

Granted, I didn't ask Kai when I last saw him. But I thought Adrian would have showed up that night, but he never did. I had left my phone at the apartment, with no way to contact him. I'm officially in the dark as to what is happening.

The dark has never been more terrifying. 

I could tell Adrian has been in this place before or had it set up for me being here. Some of his clothes were in the bedroom, and a room full of books was right off the bedroom. He must've known I would be here for awhile and left me entertainment. 

The sinking feels still sits in my heart, deep down I feel the same Adrian won't come back to me. He will be different, I can feel it.

The lock clicks open.

My head swings to the door, hoping to see his grey eyes staring at me. But I'm meet with Kai's green eyes. 

He looks far more exhausted than last time I saw him. 

"Miss Carter, please put on your shoes. You are needed at the warehouse" His tone scares me, it holds a tone of sadness and pain. Something I had never heard in him before.

My body does what he asks, with a lump in my throat and my stomach in my feet, I follow him out of the cabin and to the awaiting car. It's only a few minutes before we are at the warehouse. 

Hundreds are lined against the wall with their heads down, even more inside as we walk through. Evidence of chaos scattered throughout the place, but I was only focusing on the amount of people lining the halls like they were expecting me or someone of importance. 

What are they doing?

We round a corner and at the end, the same men from last week stand. 

Dominic offers me sad smile and reaches out to shake my hand. 

"It's good to see you Mrs. Kings, I do wish it was under better circumstances." He says, I nod and look around at them. I know Dominic and Gage's names, but I had a feeling I would be well acquainted with them if Adrian did show up soon. 

I try to ignore him calling me by Adrian's surname and not mine. We weren't married, my last name is still Carter.

"Would any of you like to tell me where Adrian is?" I ask, Dominic looks at the others and nods. 

"Lets go into the conference room to discuss this" Gage speaks up, I nod and follow them down the hall and into a sleek room with a long table in the center. 

They fill up the seats and Dominic guides me to the one on the end where a note pad and pen lay. I immediately recognized the messy handwriting on it.

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