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"I'm sorry, but I just can't do that" He says keeping his eyes trained above my head. Like he watching something, before I could turn around to see what he seemed so focused on, then I felt it. 

A needle poking me in the neck and then my world blurring.

My legs felt like jello, my eyelids weighed too much to keep open, I felt myself stumble and land onto something. 

Even after 3 months, I immediately knew it was Adrian I had fallen onto just by his scent. My eyes connected with his grey ones one last time before everything went black.


Bright light shine through my closed eyes forcing my body to wake up. Slowly I sit up and open my eyes looking around. The room had light grey wall, a tv mounted on the wall, and a bed in the middle. It was simple but better than the last time Adrian pulled this bullshit. 

I get off the bed and walk to the door finding it cracked open, pushing it out a little more I poke my head out and hear someone typing on the computer down the hallway. 

As I walk out Adrian's mop of hair comes into view and anger boils inside of me. I can't move his presence makes me so mad, all I can do is glare at the back of his head. 

"You can stop the death glare now" He says looking over his shoulder to look at me, not moving I just watch him and fight the urge to kill him right now. 

He sighs standing up from his spot at the table, running a hand through his hair. With an eye roll I look up at him once he is right in front of me. 

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"Because there are some very dangerous people who are after you right now, and your ass is too stubborn to see that. So princess, welcome to your home until I say so" He responds with a smug expression, my glare hardens as I process what he said. 

"Who, Jonah?" I ask, his eyes widen at my words. "Yeah, you can quit with call them the 'bad men' and 'dangerous people' because you have called that one fucker 'Jonah' about 10 times in front of me" 

Adrian scoffs and moves past me, "I have somethings I need to go do. Just stay here and please don't wreck the place. Also I'm the only person who can unlock that door, so no point in trying. Bye" 

Then he walks over to the elevator, pressing his thumb to the pad and disappears behind the doors. 

Yeah, well fuck him.

Walking back into the room I woke up in I find the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth with the products I found in there. My poor hair was left in a messy bun, it hasn't been taken care of properly in so long. Probably hasn't had the normal care it get since that night Jonah stabbed me. 

Still only in the towel I walk back out into the room looking for anything to wear, but find all of the drawers empty. 

Keeping a tight hold on the towel wrapped around my body, I walk out of the room walking deeper down the hallway to the door at the very end. 

I mean, if he locks me in here with no change of clothes the least he could do was lend me some.

My eyes widen at the size of his dark modern room and walk over to what I think is the closet. Thankful it is and I quickly find a t-shirt and sweatpants and go back to what I assume is my room to change. 

I have to fight with the strings on the sweatpants to get them to stay up for a minute, but once they were in place they are actually surprising comfy. 

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