twenty three

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The moment we get back into the apartment, the atmosphere changes between Adrian and I.

My heart begins to race as Adrian's hands feel like they are burning through the fabric of my dress. His hand has be planted in my waist since the moment we got out of the car, it stays right there as I go into the kitchen and find a snack.

"So what are these idea you have for the rest of the day?" I ask, he lifts me onto the counter and shrugs.

"I was thinking watching some movies in bed and ordering that horribly unhealthy take away you love so much" He answers, I grin and nod.

Adrian stays quiet, just staring at me with a strange look like he was debating something in his head. His bottom lip in between his teeth and his hands resting on the sides of my thighs as I finish off my grapes.

I try to ignore the strange feelings rising in me as we start walking back to our room to change and spend the rest of the day relaxing.

Without me even asking, he loops an arm around me and unzips the dress before kissing my shoulder and disappearing into the bathroom. I go into the shared closet and find one of Adrian's hoodie's to wear.

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A couple minutes after I crawl into bed and start scrolling through our options he walks back through the doors in just a towel. He smirks at me and walks into closet before reentering in a pair of sweatpants riding low on his hips.

"Really princess? That's my favorite one" He whines while getting under the covers, I shrug and wiggle under his arm. "Don't keep them right at my eye level if you don't want me taking them"

"I hope you know you're the only person I allow to pull this shit. No one touches or steals my clothes, let alone my favorite hoodie. Feel special, princess." He says, I smile up at him and finally pick out a movie for us.

The hand that was on my waist drifts to right below my breasts, his thumb rubbing just along me. I don't even half too look back at him to know there is a smug smirk on his face.

Two can play this stupid teasing game.

I turn onto my side, and trail my hand from his chest to the waist band of his sweatpants, moving for the tips of my fingers to rest under it. His whole body tenses and the hand on my chest holds onto my side in a death grip.

Letting out a shaky breath, he restarts his movements and holds me tight against him.

"Trust me, princess. You don't want to start that game with me" He whispers into my ear.

Looking up at him, my hand moves a little lower and I bite back a grin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr Kings" I retort, his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek and he stares at me. "Careful what you wish for baby, I'll fuck the sass right out of you and turn you into my needy little slut"

My thighs clench at his words, he grins at me before looking back at the screen. But the effect of his words prominent through the covers.

The small trail of hair on his lower stomach, grows under the tips of my fingers as I slowly lower my hand deeper under his sweatpants and boxers.

Adrian shifts under me and fully cups me in his hand, "Come on, princess. Are you not going to touch me?" he whispers. I look up at him, keeping a straight face and fully reach down. Grabbing his hard length. He grins at me and moves his hips against my hand.

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