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The next couple days seemed to be a blur, I was only given chicken nuggets for some ungodly reason and never left this room. Adrian has yet to show back up either and if he had I was asleep. 

After a lot of snooping and going through all of the drawer because I was bored and walked to get out of bed, I discovered someone definitely lives in here. There are men's clothes and items, but what I had yet to figure was who exactly and why I was in here if it was someone else's room. 

It has almost been a week now, 5 days to be exact and 3 days since I was told I would be moving. Yet everyone I have seen has failed to give me a further details on where and when. 

When Carson was in here yesterday redressing the wound, I had ask and he just shrugged saying 'Adrian isn't one give a lot of details until needed' every time. So he either knew nothing or was told not to tell me anything. 

Now here I was sitting on the ground, back against the bed, looking out the window and nothing but the cloudy grey sky and trees. Bored out of my mind might I add too. No one will give me my phone or even a book to keep myself occupied. 

"You look bored" His sudden voice makes me jump as he sits beside me on the floor. 

"It's almost like I was locked up in a room with no form of entertainment, oh wait I was and still am" I answer, Adrian sighs and rests his arms on his bent knees. 

"That's actually why I'm here, come on" He says getting up again, I slowly follow him as he opens the door and motions for me to walk with him. 

My eyes study the dark bare walls on the hallway as we walk past a sitting room, dining, and kitchen area. All with big scary looking men standing by with a look of stone on their faces. 

"Ok, a couple of rules before we do this. If you run away, I swear to god I will keep you up in that room like you're in a disney movie. Also if you start to not feel good please tell me, last thing I need is another panic because of you" He says pointing a finger at me like I am child before opening the back door, revealing a beautiful pool and what looks to be an archway leading to a garden. 

I follow him quietly taking in the fresh air, my eyes look around the landscaping taking it all in. How they keep everything so green during the summer's is beyond me. It hard for anything to stay alive in the summers here. 

We walk into a clearing surrounded with walls of greenery and a small fountain in the center. Adrian goes and sits on a bench, his hands in his lap as he looks at me. Slowly I make my way over to him and take the open seat next to him. We sit in somewhat comfortable silence before he breaks it. 

"I come here to think, it's quiet and peaceful. I've come here a lot more recently" He says looking out over the many types of flowers and plants. But I can't look away from him, he must have brought me out here for a reason. "Why did you bring me out here?" I ask bluntly, he sighs and looks over at me rubbing his jaw. 

"In full honesty, I knew who you were in high school. And after everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks isn't sitting right with me." Of course he did, that's why he looked so familiar. I nod and pull my knees up to my chest, hugging them. 

"And uh, I hate that it was you that night on the boardwalk. A lot of people deserve some horrible shit to happen to them, but not you. I wish you had moved far away from here, I hate that you can't just live your life. I hate I'm even sitting next to you right now" He rushes out, I nod and look down at my hands. 

Me too, Adrian. I hate that I'm here, I wish I was far away from here too. 

"But you are. You got hurt because I didn't do the thing I said I would do. As much I wish you weren't, you are in the middle of this now. You have a huge target on your back, and my enemies know who you are. I know you don't want anything to do with this, but you are. Tate, you have two options at this point. You can stay at this estate or stay at an apartment in the city." He finally finishes, I nod not knowing what to say. 

All of this was too much to handle, I just figured out how to pay taxes. I'm barely an adult, and now I'm having to decide which place I want to live that is owned and guarded by Adrian. 

"Is the apartment close to my work?" I ask, he smiles at me and nods, "It's about a 10 minute walk to your work and a 5 minute walk to the beach" 

"If I have to choose it would be the one close to the beach" I answer, he nods and looks back to the greenery. 

At some point in our silence, my head fell to his shoulder and his arm around my shoulder protectively like we were a couple. But we are anything other than that. My eyes closed in the peace of it all just letting my skin soak up the last bit of sunlight before it disappears for the night. 

"Adrian?" He hums in response, "Please don't give me anymore chicken nuggets" I say, his chest rumbles in laughter and he mutters an 'ok' before going to our peaceful silence. 

Suddenly his free arm is under my legs before he picks me up. My eyes remain closed as he starts walking somewhere. I knew I could force myself fully awake if I wanted, but I wasn't minding being carried to bed. 

His smell seemed familiar now too me as half of my face was pressed into his dress shirt, almost like the bedroom.

"Awe did your little girlfriend fall asleep?"

"Shut the fuck up, Atlas" Adrian grumbles, I feel him stop moving but kept his grip on my body tight. "Just came to tell you Savannah is getting suspicion of where she went. Give Tate her phone back, she isn't some rebelling teenager" Atlas says before I feel Adrian start walking again. 

I sink further into his chest, he's so warm. 

"Sweet dreams, princess" He mummers before kissing the top of my head and placing me on a bed, then sleep fully takes over. 

I liked this Adrian, the kind one. And hopefully the one who gives me my phone. 

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