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My hands rest on his stomach as he presses his lips to mine. 

Pure electricity runs between us I feel my back hit the counter and the kiss deepen. Every emotion between us since that night on the beach comes to the surface.

The fear, the anger, the confusion, the hatred, the new feelings I've yet to define.

All of it being poured into it. 

His hand moves from my cheek back to my waist and he lifts me onto the counter then moves in between my legs. One hand of my own goes into his soft hair and tug at the roots. He groans and tugs my body closer to his.

Our tongues fight for dominance as he keeps his hands locked around my waist, slightly rocking me against him. Butterflies swarm my stomach as Adrian takes over and drags a hand into my hairs, tugging at the bun until it falls out. 

I smile against his lips as he moves my legs to be around his waist before picking me up and walking. He sits down with me on his lap and bites my bottom lip.

"Well what do we have here" The voice makes me pull away and snap my head to the door. 

Atlas and Kai smirks at us and Adrian mumbles curses under his breath.

"As interested as I am in what the hell is going on here, Adrian we have a problem we need to discuss" Atlas says, I move off his lap and watch him get off the couch and say something to the two before turning back to me. 

"We'll continue this later" He whispers and kisses the top of my head, I watch them disappear into his office.

I sit there for a moment and bring my fingers to my now swollen lips as a small smile forms.

Well, that happened.

Snapping out of the daze I go to the bathroom and start putting all of the stuff that was set out back into the cabinet but far more organized than Adrian had it before. 

For someone with their life so together, he really helpless when it comes to common sense. Like bathroom clean doesn't go next to extra toothbrushes and condoms. 

Once everything is perfectly organized, I take a shower and brush my teeth. I can't but stare at the long scar across my ribs from where Jonah had cut me. The white raised skin ran from the middle of my abdomen to my side, a straight clean line. 

I hated it.

It's going to be the first thing people notice when I wear a swimsuit now. How am I going to explain this?

Oh yeah, I got cut by this crazy guy after he saw me with a mob boss. But don't worry the mob boss helped me after it happened by kidnapping me. 

Shaking my head I pull my shirt down fully and pull on a pair of shorts then walk back into the kitchen. 

Adrian and the other two were standing around the kitchen island laughing and talking. They all turn to me and smile.

"I can go if you guys are still talking about important stuff" I say awkwardly. 

"Oh no, no, no you're staying. I got some questions for you, Miss Carter" Atlas says, I nod and move next to Adrian and sit on the counter. 

"Atlas, leave her alone" Adrian warns, "You act like I'm trying ask for her deepest darkest secrets." he scoffs and then looks at me.

"So he won't tell us what you two were doing when we walked in, care to explain?" 

"I don't really see how that's any of your business" I respond and start messing with a strand of my hair. 

"Dear god, Aid. You turned her into a fucking copy of you, just better hair and a woman" Kai laughs, "I'm no where near as stubborn as her, and the fuck you mean better hair?" Adrian quickly responds.

Kai and Atlas starting laughing as I glare at all of them. 

They calm down at smile at us, "Dude, I love you like a brother but you are way to stubborn and I refuse to believe this sweet woman next to you is anything like you like Kai says. But yes, Tate you have way better hair than him" Atlas says, I smile at Adrian as he looks at me with amusement. 

The rest of the afternoon they continue talking as I sit next to Adrian absentmindedly playing with his hand while he stands next to me. 

My cheek rests on his shoulder watching them make fun of each other and laugh, Atlas tells me about Savannah and that she knows I'm ok.

I miss her, it's been way to long since I've seen her.

Soon they leave and I help Adrian clean up the small mess Atlas had made from throwing popcorn at Adrian. 

Like we do every night, we sit on couch as a play some movie that makes me laugh as I cuddle into his side. 

His hands play with my now dry hair, my head rests on his chest, and our legs tangled. 

"Princess?" I hum in response and keep my focus on the tv. "Are you ok with what happened today?"

I sit up and face him, "What do you mean?"

"I just want to make sure you don't regret the kiss, because I really want it to happen again" He explains, heat creeps up my neck and onto my cheeks as I smile at him. I lay back down on him and hug his torso. "I want it to happen again too" 

He kisses the top of my head and rubs my back soothingly. His heart races under my ear as I rest my head on his chest, I can't help but smile at the fast noise.


"Oh my god, this motherfucker is so whipped" A voice laughs, I ignore it and cuddle deeper into Adrian's chest as his arms tighten around me. More movement sounds around us and I finally open my eyes.

Kai and Atlas are standing there laughing with their phones pointed at us. I sit up in Adrian's arms and look around confused. 

Guess we fell asleep on the couch.

"Princess, go back to sleep" Adrian whines and pulls at his hoodie I'm wearing. 

I roll my eyes, ignoring Atlas silently laughing on the floor as Kai bites his hand to keep from laughing and flick him on the forehead. 

"Your friends are here" I say as he opens his eyes and sits up. My eyes widen when I feel his morning woods poking my ass, he groans and moves me to his side. 

The two idiots just stare down at us looking like they're going to combust any moment. 

"What in the actual fuck are you doing here" He asks while rubs his eyes, "Funny story, shit went down last night at this club we were at and Jonah's at the warehouse" Kai explains.

"Give me 10 minutes and we'll go." He says and gets up walking back down the hall. Atlas looks around the floor and then sits next to me. 

"There's no used condoms on the floor, do you need me to go get you a plan B pill?" Atlas asks, I stare at him and scoff. "We've only kissed once, I assure you that hasn't happened yet" I reply.

"That was what we walked in on yesterday? Y'all kissing for the first time? Goddamn took you two long enough" Kai says, I shrug and tighten the blanket around me. 

"He been looking at you like a lovesick loser for so damn long now" Kai adds, I don't respond and before dumb or dumber can say anything Adrian walks back out. 

He's wear black slacks and a black dress shirt, and his hair's still dripping wet like he didn't even attempt to dry it.

"Lets go" He says, the idiots stand up and Atlas ruffles my hair. "See ya later, Tate" He smiles, I nod and look over at Adrian. 

He leans over the couch and smiles at me, "I'll be back later tonight, don't stay up if I come back late." I nod and he kisses my forehead then walks out.

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