twenty six

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Why the hell did he say that word?

The only thing I can do is nod at his warning. Now isn't the time for me to focus on my feelings towards her and only focus on how I'm going to keep her safe and preferably unaware of their releases.

"You may not realize it yet, but trust me even a blind man can see that you're in love with that girl"  My dad adds, I just stare at her in the kitchen. Watching her get along with my mom so well made what he was saying not sound as insane. 

The woman who used to fight me on everything and made sure I knew she didn't like me, is now the same woman who trusts me with her darkest memories and allows me to hold and touch her ways I never thought she would. 

Why wouldn't I be in love with Tate? 

She is everything I could ask for in a life partner. Being here with my family only solidifies that even more. 

"Let me know when you plan on going ring shopping, kid. I know a thing or two about picking out a good engagement ring" He adds before standing up and walking into the kitchen. 

Me and Xander just sit there watching our parents smile as they talk to Tate. My mom showing her how to make homemade pasta as my dad talks to her about something. 

A peaceful feeling settles in me, knowing this is probably her first time experiencing a somewhat normal family environment. And I got to be here to watch it and be apart of it.

"I like her, she is perfect for you" Xander states, I nod and smile at her giggling with my mom. I was nervous she wouldn't feel comfortable around my family, that she would shrink into my side and barely speak to them. That makes watching her laugh with my parents so much better. Knowing she overcame the anxiety and immediately found her place. 

"I don't know what I would do without her" I say, he pats my shoulder and leans back. "How long has it been going on?" He asks, I sigh and run a hand through my hair. 

"Depends on what you mean by that, she got involved in my life about 5 and a half months ago, kissed for the first time a little over a month ago, but we didn't get very physical until recently" I answer, I don't really want him knowing we had sex for the first time just the night before. I wasn't even planning on taking her here until we had fully established our relationship, but after last night it felt like the right thing to do.

Tate told me she trusted me with every part of her, but I wasn't sure if she said that to put me at peace or if she meant it. Last night wasn't only the final piece for me too know that she truly does trust me, but it also made it even harder to think of anything else other than her soft, small body under mine. 

The more I thought of her and how she let me touch her, the more I wanted to take her back to our place and do it all over again. The small marks I had made hiding under her shirt are making it even more difficult to remain in line. This morning, I had almost called off the trip down here when I saw the marks on my back that she had made. I want her to make more on me, every time I undress I want to see that she had been clinging to me and letting me have every piece of her. 

I want her to mark me just as much as I want to mark her. 

"You always were the more emotional one" He laughs, I glare at him and slap the back of his head. He laughs harder and shakes his head, "Brother, I meant that in a good way" 

I scoff and stand up, joining Tate and my parents in the kitchen. She grins up at me when I walk in before going back to listening to whatever my mom was explaining to her. Kissing the side of her head, I stand behind her and watch her help my mom cook.

"Come on Aidy, don't go pouting to your girlfriend because you can't take a joke" Xander says, I roll my eyes and hear my dad mumble something under his breath that sounded like a lot of curse words. 

"Alexander, leave your brother alone" My mom says, I smile at him and place my hands on either side of Tate on the counter. 

"Yeah, Xander, leave me alone. Just because you're salty you live lonely life in the Netherlands doesn't mean you can come project on to me" I add, he glares at me as Tate tries to contain her laughter against my chest. 

My mom slaps my arm and mumbles about us taking years off her life from our bickering. 

Easy conversation falls over everyone, I shuffle a little closer to Tate liking the feeling of her back pressed against me. By the time dinner is ready, she and my mom are seemingly best friends. Even my dad shows his liking towards her, something he rarely does. 

Halfway through dinner, my mom sets her cutlery down at stares at Tate and I. My hand resting on her thigh, she grabs my pointer and middle fingers in her tiny hand and squeezes them, clearly uncomfortable under the motherly look we're getting.

"As much as I hate to have this conversation with my grown son and his girlfriend, we need to have it." She starts, I rest my head against the back of the chair and wait for the awkward feeling to settle in. 

"I don't expect you two to be in different rooms or beds tonight, you're grown adults and I'm not dense. But my grandchildren will not be conceived in this house nor will I hear them be conceived. Am I clear?" She orders, Tate turns bright red and nods. I nod too and feel her shift uncomfortable under my hand.

My mom stares at us for a couple more seconds before going back to what she was discussing before. 

Looking over at Tate, I let myself wonder what it would be like to have children with her. I think we would make good parents and good looking kids.

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