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3 fucking days have pasted. I was supposed to be gone over a day ago, but nope. I was still in this room, with no entertainment. But at least they stopped giving me just chicken nuggets.  

My whole being ached to be back in the water, I can't stand this sitting around doing nothing. I like to stay busy, and this is the exact opposite of busy. The shower was the only place I didn't feel so trapped. If I knew this is what Adrian meant by 'protecting' I would have just laughed in his face and left. This is basically kidnapping and I'll be damned if I let him keep doing this. 

Now I'm sitting now the shower floor letting the hot water run over my body trying to figure out how I can get out of here. The windows are a no, I'm the second level and nothing but concrete is below. So unless I want to break my legs and cause a scene, that won't work. And going through the door like a normal person seems unlikely. The door is always locked, guards are all around the house all the damn time. If that is only an option is by so damn miracle the door is left unlocked and all of the guards and Adrian disappear into thin air. 

My hair laid around me shielding me away from the world almost like the ocean does. It's the only peace I have found in here, the sounds of the running shower, the soothing heat of water, and the darkness my hair and eyes give. 

I miss working too, the feeling it gave me. It's the one thing I have that gives me a sense of purpose and like I was doing to something that actually gave back to society. And just like everything else, that was now gone too. All because of Adrian. 

Fucking asshole.  

He is officially on my shit list. I was told a week of recovery and I can leave. Well the week is up and yet I'm still fucking here. I really need to get out of here. 

Getting out of the shower first though. 

Begrudgingly I stand up, turn off the shower, and exit. 

Once dried off and dressed, I sit on the windowsill looking out the sunset wishing I could watch the cotton candy skies from the soothing water of the ocean.

Muffled yelling sounds from behind the door, but that is normal at this point. Always yelling, always someone pleading for their life or insisting they weren't the mole or something like that. It's almost like they have forgotten about my existence. The only way I know somewhere is aware of me being here is by the twice daily food delivery.  

But something catches my eyes from down below. Tons of men running out of the house fully armed. My eyes catch Adrian getting into one of the cars, all of them drive off and the house is suddenly deadly silent. 

I know Adrian doesn't have a ton of men in his personal home, so who all is left besides me now? 

Slowly I stand up and walk to the door, over the past couple of days I have tried to leave. But the door is always locked. The thing now though, is if I'm here alone , I could break down the door and get the hell out of here.

My hands grabs the handle and it opens without any resistance. The hallway is completely empty and still as I walk out leaving the door open behind me. 

Looking out into the downstairs I also see no one like last time I had left that god forsaken room. I barely make a sound as I go down the stairs and down another hallway. The silence and stillness of the house was eerie. Finally I make it to the end of of the hallway and open yet another door.

Inside the whole room was lined with cars, ranging from top of the line super cars to normal looking SUVs. My eyes wonder of to a row of cabinets and a work bench. 

God, please let there be keys in there.

Closing the door behind me, I slow walk over to the bench and begin opening everything. After throwing open about 20 cabinets and drawers, I find it. A cabinet full of different car keys hanging, I grab the first set I can and start hitting buttons. 

A blacked out Range Rover SUV starts lighting up and beeping. Quickly I run over to it and get in pressing the garage door opener. The door opens as I turn on the car, once it's open I race out into the driveway and out the still open gate. 

My heart feels like its going to explode out of my chest as I get further away from the house, I type the address of the beach into the NAV system. Every part of my body shakes as I speed down the empty road, the sun now long gone. 

Buzzing sounds from the center console making me jump in my seat. Slowly I open it and take out the burner phone sitting inside of it then answer the call not saying a word.

"Tate" My body complete stills at the sound of his voice, well shit. "Where the hell are you going?"

I don't answer, waiting for him to say something else. He sighs and mutters something under his breath. 

"There is a tracker on the car, Tate. I'm going to find you" He huffs, good thing I don't plan on driving this home. 

Finally I enter an area I know and turn of the route navigator. Adrian doesn't say anything else, but I can hear him doing something the phone. Parking in a lot near the beach and turning off the car, I sigh. 


"Yes" He mutters. "You'll never find me ever again" I end the call, get out of the car and throw both the keys and the phone somewhere in the sand. 

I feel my heartrate slow as I walk into my apartment building and up the stairs. Once I reach my door, I take a deep breath preparing for the worst. The door opens and reveal my small home just how I left it. 

He fucking lied.

My surfboard still sat propped up against the wall by the door, next to it laid my backpack, my keys on the small table. Everything just as it should be. I grab my backpack off the ground and walk into my room shoving different clothes and hygiene items into it. 

Why did he lie to me? 

Not that it matters now, he lied and now I'm going to disappear again. Not only did Adrian keep me in that goddamn room for nothing, he lied straight to my face. I hate liars, people that lie over big things like this are the scum of the Earth.

Adrian is the scum of the Earth. I always have known Adrian was everything I needed to stay away from, what I have fought so hard to get away from. Yet I allowed him into my life and in the spam of a week he got me to the point of packing the bare minimum and getting ready to disappear. 

With one last deep breath and look around my home, my safe place, I turn around leaving the door open and walking out of the building, once again running to save myself from the dangerous world that has tried sink its claws into me. 

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