thirty three

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She sleeps so peacefully. 

Her long beautiful hair laid across her and the bed in the most angelic way. She is my everything, she owns my mind and lives in my head. Every where I look, all I think about is what would Tate think of this or if her eyes would light like they do when she sees something pretty. 

The two love bites I had put on her last night resting beautifully on her neck. Her soft skin feels so good against mine, I loved the way she feels pressed to me with nothing between us. 

I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

She said yes, she agreed to be mine. 

The ring on her tiny finger made my heart race. It looked perfect on her. Like it was made for her hand. 

It made the next part of the plan easier as well. She is spoken for, bound to a marriage. They can't touch her when I go. She will be safe.

The paperwork has been done and she is set for life in case some how this fails. Tate will be untouchable once all is said and done.

My phone starts buzzing on the night table, Kai's name popping up as the screen lights up the room. Tate groans and cuddles more into my side, it takes everything in me not to pull her in tighter. But it's starting today, all hell with break loose in the underworld today. 

Slowly I move out from under her and squat next to the bed. Her honey colored eyes open and look at me in confusion. 

"There's an emergency at the warehouse. Go back to sleep" I coo, she sleepily grabs my hand and kisses the knuckles before rolling over and drifting back off to the sleep.

I quickly get ready and walk back over to Tate's sleeping body. 

Kissing her head, her coconut scent fills my nose. I love the way she smells, coconut is my favorite smell because of her. Our house smells like coconuts, she has completely taken over the space, and I love it. I love that she is everywhere in here, I love her and everything about her.

"Goodbye, Princess. I love you so much" I whisper before walking out of the room and closing our bedroom door for probably the last time for awhile.


The warehouse is buzzing, everyone preparing for what's to come. 

I make my to the conference room and find Gage and Dominic already there. 

"Are you sure about this man? This is a huge risk we are taking" Dominic says the moment I sit down, I nod and run a hand through my hair. 

"It's the right risk, Tommy will think we are vulnerable. He is just a kid, he's impulsive. When he sees the opportunity to take over the Kings he will pounce on it with little to no thought on what we are actually planning. We can safely attain him and make sure he is powerless by the time the Carter's are out of jail." I say, he nods and rubs his neck. 

"Is your girl aware of the shit we are about to pull?" Gage asks, I shake my head no and look down. 

I wanted her to know so bad, but she can't. Tate's reaction must be complete real in order anyone to believe it. It's known now that she is mine, and it's only a matter of time before news of the shiny rock on her finger spreads. 

"I want you to give her the full back story of the Carter's and Castellano's once it's done. She needs to know and you are directly apart of the clan. She should hear it from her blood" I say, Gage nods and writes something down. 

Soon Kai walks in and gives the go.

Forgive me, Princess. This is all for you.



The next morning the apartment feels empty.

Adrian had left in the middle of the night and I haven't heard from him since. Not even a text.

I don't want to bother him though, if he hasn't been able to even text me than it must be serious whatever is happening. So many people relied on him, I wasn't going to distract him when so many people needed him to be thinking clearly.

I need him to think clearly so he will come back to me unharmed. 

But soon the morning turned into the afternoon, and then into night. And still I had heard nothing. 

So I waited, sitting on the couch watching pointless shows until I heard the door unlock behind me. But I knew it wasn't Adrian without even looking behind me. Adrian would have yelled out for me the moment he started opening the door. Like he does every time he leaves to go to a meeting. 

Kai sat down next to me and sighed, he had blood splatters on his shirt.

"Where is he?" I ask, not even having to specify who I was asking about.

"He is still trying to get everything under control, but I wanted to come over and check on you" He answers, I nod and twist my body to look at him.

He looks tired, completely drained from whatever is going on. 

"Is he safe?" He nods and looks over at me, "Adrian is perfectly fine. His people just need him right now" I

We both stay quiet and watch the trashy show playing the TV. I focus on the way Adrian's shirt smells just like him and pretend it's him and not just his shirt. I want him here with me, doing our normal routine before we go to bed. 

The silence between Kai and I stretches out for another hour. Every second that passes the more I miss Adrian and feel even weirder that he hasn't comeback yet.

Kai's phone starts buzzing and he walks out of the room to answer it. 

It was 5 minutes before he walked back in, he looked pissed.

"Pack a bag, and anything you can't live without" He says, the tone of his voice was enough to tell me not to ask questions and do as he tells me.

I get off the couch and go back to the bedroom, packing anything I think I will need and quickly walk back out.

Kai grabs the duffel out of my hand and leads me out the door and to a car.

He doesn't say a word as he drives quickly down the road, my heart stammering in my chest. 

Something is wrong. Something is very wrong.

Playing with the ring on my finger, I try to remember this is Adrian I'm thinking of. The powerful leader, who will do anything and everything to protect his people. He will make it back to me, he has too. No way in hell will I let him propose to me and disappear the very next day. I was going to kill him when he comes back.

"You're going to be staying at a safe house for awhile, it's just a precaution to make sure you won't be hurt. Adrian ordered this himself" Kai says as he pulls down a deserted road, I mutter an 'ok' and focus in on the small house ahead of us. 

But Adrian had made this call, he was alive at least and well enough to be making orders to move me from the apartment. 

"Is he going to come here after he finishes his business?" I ask, Kai doesn't respond. He just gets out of the car, grabs my bag, and walks us to the front door. 

"There is plenty of food, toiletries, and anything you will need. There is a panic button under both nightstands if you even think something is wrong, use them. Adrian will come get you when he can, until then myself or Atlas will come check up on you. Sleep tight, Tate" Is all he says before setting the bag down and walking out the door. 

I hear his car turn on and drive away, leaving me all alone. 

Numbly I walk over to the couch and make myself as comfortable as possible. But I know something is deeply wrong. Something that is going to run me into the ground if it's not fixed soon.

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