twenty eight

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My hands drops from his face when he stays quiet. His hands are still tightly holding my waist, keeping me against him. 

"Do you really have nothing to say?" I ask in disbelief, the muscles in his jaw tick as his eyes move to look right above my head. My chin starts quivering as he refuses to give me anything, not even half the truth.

I place my hands on his chest and close my eyes trying to think of everything he has done and said to me to protect and reassure me. It doesn't make sense, none of this makes sense. Adrian isn't the most open person, I know that, but for once I'm begging for the truth and he won't give it to me.

"Please, I don't want to fight with you" I say, the tears finally coming. The hands holding me tighten even more and he rests his head on top of mine. "It would destroy you, baby. I can't, I won't let that happen" He finally responds, the regret in his voice is clear and even with his warning, I still need to know.

"At least tell me what it's about" I plead, he sighs and whispers something into my hair that I don't hear. 

"It's your dad and uncle, something big is about to happen" He finally says. "Don't ask me what about them, I can't do that too you" He adds, I nod and pull away from him. 

He drops his hand when I step away and get out of the shower. I feel his eyes on me as I wrap the towel around my body. 

Quickly I dry off and get some clothes on, right as I go to leave the closet Adrian blocks the way. Dripping water all over the floor, a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes are completely unreadable, so much is going on in his head and he won't even try to explain any of it to me. 

"Let me get dressed and then I need to show you something" Is all he says before moving past me and dropping the towel. My eyes move to big tattoo across his ribs and back, the one I have spent hours tracing over and over again. 

I felt our connection breaking, the pieces falling out of place and shattering. And that terrifies me. 

Adrian walks back in front of me, grabs my hand and walks us out of the bedroom and into the living room. He grabs his phone off the counter and sits us on the couch. 

I watch him open his texts and click on Olivia's name.

"You introduced her to your parents? You're fucking brain washed Aid, no one will ever be able to compete with me. Especially that gingered bitch" He says, without even looking at him I stand up. 

I don't want to hear what those girls were saying, I can't. 

But an arm goes around me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Blocked and fucking deleted" He whispers into my ear and watch him block her contact then delete it. 

"That loser from school will never satisfy you, text me when you want a real woman. Block and deleted" My bottom lip starts quivering, he doesn't say anything if he notices. He just keeps me locked on his lap, his wet hair getting my shirt wet. "Call me when you're done with the charity case"

"So you fuck me and months later let a different girl meet your fam, fuck you and that whore" He recites, his voice getting angrier and angrier. "Hear that princess, this bitch and Jonah both think you're a whore" He laughs bitterly.

He keeps going on and on reading each and every one of the texts and blocking the numbers right before deleting them. Tears run down my face and I have to keep myself from begging him to comfort me. I hated this, I didn't want to know what they thought of a post I haven't even seen.

Finally he blocks the last girl and tosses the phone on the coffee table. 

"Princess, they don't know shit about us, about you, and they sure as hell don't know shit about how good you make me feel. Fuck them, you're mine and I want all of you" He whispers, I feel his hand wipe the tears off my face and run through my hair. 

Never had I hated my hair more than I do right now. 

"Do you hate my hair?" I ask, he scoffs and moves my head in his hands to look him in the eyes. "I fucking love your hair, baby. They're just jealous they don't have beautiful hair like you"

I nod but still feel weird in his hold. Looking over the windows, I notice the sun has disappeared. Slowly peeling his arm away from me, I stand up and walk back into the bedroom and grab his pillow from the bed. 

Adrian stands in the doorway watching me walk back out and to the guest room.

"What are you doing?" He asks, stopping me from closing the door. "Going to bed" I answer, his jaw clenches as he looks down at me. "Our bedroom is down that hall, you know where we fucked the other night"

"I just need some time away from you right now, today has been a lot" I say, he nods and steps back not fighting me. He looks down at me, a look of defeat in his eyes. "I'll be in the office if you need anything or want to punch me"

I furrow my brows and try to figure out what he is thinking, "Why would I want to punch you?" he gives me a sad smile and leans down, placing a small kiss on my forehead. 

"We both know I deserve to have the shit beat out of me for what I've done, baby."

And then he turns around, walking into his office keeping the door open. I leave the door cracked and get into the bed, holding his pillow and letting his smell soothe me to sleep.

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