A Rose By Any Other Name

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I have officially posted the first part to my latest idea. How well I executed it though, remains to be seen. Go have a look if the following description peaks your interests.

A Rose By Any Other Name (Would Still Smell As Sweet)

What someone or something is called does not change their innate characteristics or attributes.
- by William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet.

There never was a dull day at Interpol but when a stack of twenty-seven particularly interesting cases falls on the desk of Agent Clarke Griffin; not only her day changes but her entire life changes.

Members of very influential families were being killed off one by one and that included suspected corrupt politicians. Each murder had more flare than the last and each case had one thing in common; there were no suspects.

But Agent Griffin had her own suspicions, and she was willing to bet her entire career on the fact that it was one singular woman responsible for all of them. The problem was that only six known female assassins were in existence the past twenty years and four of the six were dead, and the other two were too old to still be in the trade.

So once again, Agent Griffin fell back to square one. That is until she bumps into a dashing brunette woman in a French bar who is in desperate need of learning some manners.

The green-eyed brunette piques Clarke's interests almost instantly and it doesn't take her long to realize that there is something extremely peculiar about the woman. Though, she decides to leave her criticism and critical analysis behind for the night and falls for the brunette's perfect charms instead.

There was only one singular problem with the perky brunette; she was a psychopath in disguise. However, a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.

 However, a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet

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