Chapter 5 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

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A knock sounded at the door. "Come in." Lexa looked up from her laptop screen, looking over the rim of her reading glasses as Clarke entered.

"Hi, just came to get that change of clothes." Clarke says sheepishly.

"Yes, of course." Lexa says pushing back from the desk and moving her glasses to the top of her head. She moved swiftly across the room into her walk-in closet leaving Clarke standing at the door.

She looked around the room, it was simple, very Lexa. The walls were a darkish colour of grey. The headboard was made of a beautiful dark, almost black, piece of oak and the bedding a classy white colour, her bed was still made up, not slept in clearly. There was a couch next to the bed, similar to the one in Clarke's room, this one was just leather. Across the room was the desk Lexa was working at, made of a dark oak as well. The laptop screen sat idle. In the middle of the room there was a rug, Persian, Clarke assumed. There weren't many decorations on the walls, just one painting that caught Clarke's attention, one of a forest, a vibrant yet dark green. It seemed like something Clarke herself would paint in her free time. Behind the couch was a large window that stretched from the floor to the roof, allowing a lot of natural light to seep into the room, it was refreshing. In the far, Clarke could see the cars in the city and the tall skyscrapers, Lexa seemed to live quite a bit out of New York. One couldn't hear the bustling of the city which was nice Clarke noted.

"Do you like it?" Lexa's voice rang from across the room, she was looking at Clarke, a warm smile on her face.

"I mean yeah I guess, I could probably stare out of this window for hours, it's relaxing." She returns a smile.

"Do you guys still live in the same house Clarke?" Lexa asks, trying to make conversation while she walked back to Clarke, clothing in hand.

"Yeah, do you still remember where it is?" Lexa had extended the clothing in hand toward Clarke, gesturing for her to take it, when Clarke reaches out for it, her fingers graze over Lexa's.

Lexa smiled again, retracting her hands and clasping them behind her back out of habit. "Vaguely," she looked at her feet, vaguely her ass, she remembered exactly where it was and she contemplated going there many times after she returned from boarding school, but she never did. "you'd have to refresh my memory when we head over there later." she started chewing the inside of her cheek nervously, "Understand Clarke, this is as weird for me as it is for you." She heads back over to her desk and takes a seat again, resting her hands on her lap now. "Believe it or not but I've never actually done this, taking a person as assurance I mean. It was very selfish of me considering who I'm doing it to. I respect your father, very much, but business is business." She kept eye contact with Clarke when she spoke.

"Can't say I understand Lexa, I know very little about how you all do this 'business' you speak of." she made air quotes when she got to the word business, after she laid the clothing on the bed, she has a feeling this is going to be a long chat, might as well get comfortable. "If you wanted to hang out, you could've just asked." Clarke says jokingly.

"I suppose I could've." Lexa smiled meekly. " You may sit, anywhere, choose a spot."

Clarke opted for the bed and sat down, setting her hands in her lap as well.

A tension had grown in the room and it was an uncomfortable silence for the both of them.

"You wear glasses now?" Clarke said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ah yeah," Lexa reached up, taking the glasses off her head embarrassed, setting them on the table, "only when I read though, I hate them." That same warm smile had returned.

This is the Lexa that Clarke remembered, kind and friendly, no hard exterior.

"I actually kind of like them, they suite you."

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