Chapter 11 - The Past Resurfaces

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They pull into the garage and they both stay seated, neither attempting to get out of the vehicle. Simultaneously Lexa and Clarke turn their heads toward one another.

Green meeting with Blue.

"We should go inside..." Lexa says just above a whisper.

Clarke swallows the lump in her throat and reaches for the door handle abnormally slow. Lexa was already out of the car striding around it to Clarke's door to open it for her. Which she does and when Clarke is out, Lexa closes the door behind her but doesn't step away from Clarke, instead she places her hands on the roof of the vehicle, trapping Clarke between her body and the car.

Clarke's leans backwards against the door biting her lip. "I thought we should go inside."

"We should." Lexa replies, voice low and husky.

"Hmm." Clarke hums when Lexa presses her lips to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses. Lexa stops at Clarke's ear nipping at her earlobe. Clarke's hands had made it under Lexa's leather jacket, a tight grip on lower back running her fingers over the solid muscles under her soft skin. "Kiss me." Clarke murmurs.

Lexa retracts both her hands from the roof of the car and cups Clarke's cheeks placing a heated kiss to her lips, Clarke leans farther into the door behind her as Lexa presses her body onto her own. Lexa quickly takes dominance as their lips move over one another, "Inside," Lexa says against Clarke's lips. "Hmm."

Lexa moves her hands to Clarke's hips and starts guiding her toward the door that leads into the house, Clarke's fingers were tangled in Lexa's brown locks now while she fought for dominance but Lexa wasn't about to give it up. Once again Clarke's back hits the door making a thump, Lexa's left hand moves to the door handle in an attempt to fumble it open which she successfully does on her second attempt. The door opens and they both stumble inside still lip locked and hands running across one another's body, not getting enough.

A flash goes off over them and they quickly pull away from another.

"Ah shit, my flash was on, sorry guys." Raven quirks.

"Raven." Clarke says frustrated, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut, "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Well," Raven starts, putting her phone back into her pocket, "I was fetching a wet cloth in the kitchen because Luna's bloody knuckles are being a bitch and then I heard a thump coming from the garage so I stuck around to see what's up and there you two horny kids fall through the door and I'm bamboozled taking pictures."

A huge blush crawls across Lexa and Clarke's cheeks, both not replying to anything Raven said. "Anyway, how's Bellamy doing Clarke?"

Lexa clears her throat, "Perhaps it's better we discuss it all together, where's my sister?"

"In the lounge."

"Alright, Raven get the cloth we'll go to the lounge so long."

Raven gives her a friendly tight lipped smile and continues to the kitchen and Lexa turns to Clarke. "I'm sorry Clarke, I got carried away."

"Me too." Clarke says stepping toward Lexa, interlacing their fingers, "And I hope we can finish it sometime."

"Clarke..." Lexa says kissing Clarke's lips tenderly, "I can tell you're going to be the death of me."

"That's supposed to be alluring but don't talk like that, I don't think I can lose you again." Clarke says taking Lexa's bottom lip between her teeth. "Now, lounge remember." Lexa goes after her lips again but Clarke pulls away teasingly. "Hmm... Death of me I say."

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