Chapter 8 - A State Of Flux

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It was well after 2am, but Clarke and Lexa still sat on the couch talking, still holding one another.

"So, let me get this straight, you actually pursued your dream of going into medicine?" Lexa stared at Clarke in awe, even though they weren't looking at one another. Clarke's head was resting on Lexa's chest, her heart beat now calm with slow rising and falling of her chest as she took easy breaths. Somewhere in time, she started stroking Clarke's hair, soft under fingertips.

"Yup, I'm in my second year. I still have quite a few years to go, but Lexa," she breathes out, "I absolutely love it."

Lexa's lips curled into a smile. "I'm happy you like it Clarke. You always had such a passion for helping people. What about Abby? Still a brilliant doctor?"

"Yeah, she's still great as ever. She put in a good word for me and the hospital offered me an internship, I get to fill some shifts in the emergency room when they're a little short on staff."

"Maybe you could teach me a few things sometime Clarke, knowledge is power." Her smile faded, "That's what my father used to say."

Clarke lifted her head looking up at Lexa.

"What, is something wrong Clarke?" Lexa asks worried.

Clarke reached out, taking Lexa's hand in her own, entwining their fingers. "Everything's just perfect. I was just wondering..."

"What is it you're wondering about Clarke?"

"Your dad." She says licking her lips. "My dad never told me how Matthew died."

Lexa looked down at their interlaced fingers. "He was shot, several times; by a rival gang, mafia or whatever you'd like to call it's leader. Nia is her name."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Clarke furrowed her eyebrows. "So, you're not the only badass women in town running stuff?"

Lexa smiled again, "No Clarke, indeed I am not the only badass women in town, there's Luna too. I would not consider Nia a badass, she's a coward. Killing my father and then a year after taking and killing my girlf-" Lexa stops herself. She's not ready to tell Clarke about Costia, it's too personal. It was just over a year ago when she died and to a point Lexa was still grieving her. Talking about Costia's death would make it real and she's not ready for that, not yet.

Clarke seems to understand though and just squeezes her hand softly, telling her it's okay, she doesn't have to talk about it.

"Nia sounds terrible." Clarke says simply, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind Lexa's ear. She doesn't retract her hand though, but rests it on Lexa's cheek and Lexa leans into the touch. She covers Clarke's hand with her own, moving Clarke's hand to her mouth and lays a soft tender kiss to her fingers.

"I see Luna isn't the only Woods sister making heart eyes tonight..."

"Clarke..." Lexa says softly, just above a whisper.

"I know Lexa, I think I always have. The way you look at me, the way you talk to me and the way you touch me." She says lowly.

Lexa's breath had caught in her throat because Clarke's hand was on her thigh, dangerously close to her core.

Clarke leans in closer to Lexa, until they're only an inch apart. Lexa could feel Clarke's hot breath on her own quivering lips. Lexa stared at her bewildered as their gazes locked. Clarke's eyes now a darker shade of blue, the type of blue the skies are before a thunderstorm, a grey-ish blue, yet still beautiful.

Clarke attempts to close the gap between them, but Lexa catches Clarke's face with her free hand cupping her cheek. Both of their eyes now closed.

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