Chapter 9 - That's 2 For Woods

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"How did I get flour behind my ear Clarke?" Raven asks looking in the mirror, her head turned awkwardly.

"I have no idea, maybe it's 'cause Luna practically threw an entire bag of flour at you?" Clarke says rhetorically.

"Right. That happened. Those were some bomb flapjacks though, right?"

"After Lexa rescued them, yes."

Raven turned around leaning against the sink. "So, what else do you have in store for us to do today," Raven asks bringing her watch up to see the time. "its eleven-thirty, still a lot of hours between now and getting sloshed."

"I think I need to go see Bellamy and end things. I've had enough of his drunken escapades." Clarke replies, "But I'm not sure if I'm actually allowed to leave here, Lexa doesn't have actual rules and when I do ask, she gives me this vague answer."

Raven pushes up from the sink and puts her hands on either side of Clarke's shoulders. "You should just ask her, Commander Hot Stuff will say yes to anything you ask because she's got it hard for you Clarkey."

Clarke swats both Raven's hands away. "That makes me feel really bad."


"What's your plan here Lexa?" Luna asks curiously.

"I don't have one, I'm waiting to see what happens, I can't force her to do something, nor do I want to."

"Mhm, this is a mess, especially because he's a cop. Why couldn't she just be dating a simpleton?" Luna asks annoyed, it seemed Luna was more invested in the coming relationship between Lexa and Clarke than themselves.

"That's not like her, Clarke elevates herself, she's special." Lexa chewed at the inside of her cheeks, "I have some business to attend to today, would you mind babysitting?"

"Babysitting Clarke? I'm sure she can look after herself. Raven however, I'll definitely have to look after. Who knows? Maybe Clarke will have to babysit us." Luna says laughingly.

Lexa had to go see Titus today, to go over financials and how much they'd donate to the Business Gala coming up this week. As much as Lexa was involved in the crime world, she was almost more involved in the legitimate businesses. She was working hard to convert all their money into something real, something legal. The last product she had come in and then stolen by Azgeda, was all she needed to finish the process. All the profits would've gone directly into a business selling large shares. Hence why she's so hard-up for money from Jake.

All the other alliances had money on hand to pay her for losses, they'd have to square up with Azgeda themselves to get back whatever they felt necessary. All she needed was Jake's money, but it seemed it wasn't coming soon. She lied to Clarke when she said Jake said it was going well getting the money together, truth is, she hasn't even heard from him. Lexa had sent Gustus and Indra to the Griffin's home, but no one was there. Both Abby and Jake's car were missing, clothes still in the cupboards though. It worried Lexa that they seemed to have disappeared in the wind, but she wasn't going to tell Clarke anything until she was absolutely completely sure. Perhaps Abby's at the hospital, that seemed most likely, but where was Jake?

"Hey." Clarke says entering the lounge, shortly followed by Raven who goes to take a seat next to Luna. Clarke opts to sit on the couch across from Lexa, face to face, but several feet apart.

"Hey." Lexa and Luna reply simultaneously.

"I was thinking and I'd like to go see Bellamy today, if that's okay with you? He's off today and he'll only be off again next Sunday. He's too busy during the week to actually reach out to and to meet up." Clarke says nervously, her knee bouncing. "I need to see him."

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