Chapter 3 - Jack Daniels

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Fair warning this is a shit chapter, it's a filler so skip it, don't skip it lol, get past it and you're in for a world of fun.


She's tipsy, definitely, or half drunk at most. Lexa didn't really know what else to do tonight other than pull a bottle of Jack Daniels closer to her. It's been an intense long week and things just weren't going her way.

Her other alliances were also hit by Azgeda, all the sellers were struck by Azgeda, with Jake, it was just the last straw, that was when she lost her shit completely, pulling a gun on Jake.

A deep sigh is all she utters right now.


Clarke's exactly how Lexa imagined she'd look after all this time, well-built and absolutely breath-taking. Her quick witted mind and personality still in place.

Clarke has no idea what feelings she's stirred up in Lexa, feelings that Lexa didn't even know was still there. They were feelings Lexa was sure she had buried a long time ago.

She chuckles to herself, because nobody was here, just she and this almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels. She's drank almost all of it and still Clarke lingers on her mind. She's dumfound that after all this time Clarke still finds a way to stay on her mind. It's been so long, 5 year, 6 years?

Clarke didn't even come to Lexa's father's funeral; Jake was there though and Abby as well ... Costia too.

Lexa still missed Costia immensely every now and then when she allowed herself to think about it and most of all, allowed herself to feel the feeling. When the feeling came it fell on her hard and lingered.

I'm here Lexa, you're not alone, I will always be here, right next to your side, loving you at every second of the day.

That's what Costia had said to Lexa on the day of the funeral.

Lexa wondered when last she allowed herself to a few drinks as she had tonight, when she did, her mind opened and everything she managed to suppress while completely sober, would come flushing in and would crowd her mind. This was the exact reason why she'd limit herself to one or two drink and nothing more.

After all the Jack Daniels, her mouth still feels dry and she's not comfortable on the living room couch anymore so she sits up and takes a deep breath in. She opts to put the bottle of Jack on the table before she drops it.

Perhaps it's a bad idea but she makes her way up the stairs, to see if Clarke is fine ... or something. She had never come downstairs to ask for food.

She finds herself taking a lot of deep breaths tonight as she does now again, trying to calm her new nerves showing up, Clarke's fault for sure. It's been so long since she's truly spoken to her.

She knocks on the door softly, hoping Clarke would answer, but no answer comes. She leans her forehead on the door, contemplating to leave or to just go inside and take a peep. "It's your house, you can just come in." She hears Clarke finally answer.

Lexa pushes down on the handle of the door opening it and steps inside. "I apologize for bothering you. I just wanted to check on you."

Clarke was lying in bed turned away from the door. She came across quite peaceful at first glance, slow inhaling and exhaling. When she hears Lexa speak she turns over in the bed and stares right at Lexa.


Alexandria Woods.

She's looking through her and she feels a sudden surge of insecurity flood over her.

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