Chapter 21 - The Other Woman Pt. 2

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Lena closed her eyes and placed her cold palm to her forehead; she was growing sick of this back forth. She didn't want to keep using Clarke; she was too sweet to be used this way. Sometimes Lena hated all the things she was put up to do and if this job goes on as long as the last, this was definitely going to take a bigger toll on her emotionally than the last did. "Yeah, I'm here. I'll try find out more from her."

"You have to, we still have nothing on where Lexa is and it's imperative we find out. It's been too long and it feels off that she still hasn't returned, especially after I made sure their case got thrown out. For God's sake I even made sure that idiots detective badge was taken away. We need to know where she is in order to move on with the plan."

"Yes, I know mother. You have made quite a point to make us all aware."

"Lena, my dear child, make this work. Clarke is the only way we can get to her and if you don't make progress and fast, I'll be forced to take even more desperate measures than I already have. Don't make me remind you what I did the last time you didn't make progress, this time-"

"Yes, I get it. I'll see you tomorrow to report. I think I'll get through tonight. Goodnight."

The line went dead and Lena dropped her phone to her lap. Why was she always the one to be sent to do these things? Why couldn't her mother send someone else to do this shit. Lena shoved her phone into her blazer pocket and retrieved the flowers from the passenger seat and stepped out of her car.

She had to get something out of Clarke tonight, it couldn't go any other way. Raven was out of the picture now and so there was no one sniffing around anymore and no one to interrupt when Lena got close to getting something, anything out of Clarke about Lexa. Raven found out more than she was supposed to and she had to be taken care of and that's what happened, Roan made sure her brakes won't work that night she skidded under a truck. Of course, the plan wasn't for her to live and that was another task Lena had to take care of later. Another something she had to take care of because of Roan's sloppy work.

Clarke first though.

She made her way down the hall to Clarke's door and laid three soft knocks to the door. After a short moment the door opened and there Clarke stood with a marvelous smile, a smile Lena had accidentally fallen for the past few months. Unfortunately, after their first date Clarke made it clear to her that she wasn't looking for anything romantic, just a friend. That was all Lena had to work with now and it will just have to suffice but it wasn't going to stop her from trying anyway. Can't blame a girl for trying right? Even if it was for selfish gains but Lena intended to make up for it all when all this dirty business was over. She could definitely see why Lexa loved Clarke.

"Hi Clarke."

"Hi to you too." She pulled Lena into a tight hug; she was feeling extra giddy tonight. Lexa said she was coming home and Clarke definitely couldn't wait to see her and kiss her face off.

Clarke pulled away and pressed a kiss dangerously close to Lena's mouth in greeting. Lena held out the flowers to Clarke, roses since she was particularly fond of them. "For you, I remembered you said you liked roses."

"Oh, these are so beautiful, thank you." For a split-second Clarke's eyes left Lena's and she looked over her shoulder. She felt something in her heart ignite, the same ignition that came whenever Lexa was near her. She could swear she saw a someone turn the corner back to the elevator really fast. Weird.

"Clarke? Is everything okay?" Lena herself turned around to look in the direction Clarke was looking in, but she didn't see anything. When she returned her gaze to Clarke, she was as white as a ghost. "Hey? What's wrong, do you need to sit down?"

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