Chapter 12 - The Woods

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The morning sun broke through the curtains shining over Clarke's face waking her up. Raven laid next to her sprawled out snoring softly, a little drool running from her mouth. Clarke sighed, she had slept restlessly all night, dreaming of Bellamy, he was already haunting her dreams. It was terrible to hope, but she hoped that he wouldn't wake soon from his coma, and if he did, that like his drunken nights, he would not remember what happened.

Clarke lightly nudged Raven trying to wake her up.

"No, leave me alone." Raven mumbles, "I can tell it's early because there's light outside.'

"Raven, that's how daytime works." Clarke says nudging her again, "Please wake up, I don't want to go downstairs alone."

"Ugh." Raven sighs loudly, turning over and sits up rubbing at her eyes. "Fine, only if you make coffee."

"Deal." Clarke says getting up and walks to the bathroom to comb her bed head. She's been considering for a long time to cut most of it off, just up until it reached her shoulders.

"So," Raven calls from the bed, "Commander Hot Stuff huh? Y'all getting it on?"

Clarke had spent most of the night with Lexa in her room, talking about Matthew and Becca as well as the effect it had on herself and Luna. Luna seemed to be the worse one off, it was still affecting her up until this day.
Lexa had asked Clarke more about the past few years they were apart, what Clarke had been doing, who she had been seeing. Which only turned out to be three people. Bellamy, a guy named Finn whom Lexa didn't know and a woman named Niylah. Lexa happened to know Niylah fairly well because Luna had an extended fling with her as well which ended when Niylah seemingly found someone else, which Luna only described to Lexa as a short, blonde, blue-eyed girl back then. Putting one and one together, this other woman was Clarke. How small the world was indeed.

When it got late, Lexa insisted Clarke goes to her own room because it wouldn't be appropriate for them to sleep in the same bed so soon.
Though Clarke didn't know it, it wasn't the main reason Lexa wanted Clarke to retire to her own quarters. It was because many nights, the night brought terrors to Lexa. She woke up in cold sweat with rapid breathing and a heart that just about leaped out of her chest as she dreams of her fathers death, though those dreams have dulled down; it was now Costia's death that swarmed her dreams.

Nia had told Lexa that she contemplated sending Costia's head in a neatly wrapped box to her; but she didn't because Nia wanted Lexa to have nothing of Costia back.

"She's something else Raven, something I never thought in a million years I'd get to experience. It's in the way she looks at me you know," Clarke looked in the mirror, rubbing the sleep from the corners of her eyes. Slight bags had formed under her eyes from the lack of sleep from the previous night. "The way she says my name and the way she runs her fingers across my skin..." Clarke trails off, "But no, we're not getting it on, as you put it."

Raven laughed, "I'm not sure if you or her have it worse for one another and correction, you're not getting it on YET. Look at us, who ever thought you'd have the hots for your childhood best friend who happens to be a really hot woman with a equally hot sister that has the hots for your now best friend, me. Strange how the universe works isn't it?"

"Strange it is indeed." Clarke says as she finishes brushing her teeth, spitting the remnants of toothpaste into the sink. She plashes cold water on her face and makes her way out of the bathroom, drying her face with the dark red muscle shirt she was wearing, which clearly didn't belong to her and nor did the black sweatpants.

"Look at you, you're even wearing Lexa's clothes now. It's sickening."

"Oh shut up. Let's go downstairs." Clarke says heading for the door. Raven complies and gets out of bed following Clarke to the closed door.

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