Chapter 22 - The Other Woman Pt. 3

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When the first rays of the morning sun shone through the slight gap of Clarke's curtains, it hit Lexa first and unaware of her current surroundings, she rolls over trying to avoid the sun-rays she thought came through her hotel room window in Paris. When she in fact does roll over and roughly slings her arm with, she hits Clarke square in the face making a dull thump, skin connecting with skin.

Clarke's voice came husky due to the lack of using it. "Hmm, that was really rude. If you don't want me staring at you, you can really just say so, you don't have to hit me."

Lexa's eyes shoot open at the sound of the voice erupting in her ears and when they fully do open, she recognizes Clarke in front of her, a playful smile on her lips. Suddenly flashes of last night flashes in Lexa's mind and she instantly feels embarrassed and her headache intensifies but she doesn't even try to suppress the wince she utters next. She grumbles and blinks several times, trying to get her marbles together as she remembers the strange dream she just had, unable to understand it.

Clarke snuggles closer to her and lays a soft peck on the tip of Lexa's nose and she pulls back with a bright smile on her face. "Morning Lex."

"If you're going to kiss me, do it properly." Lexa coos, pushing herself up on her elbow as she towers over Clarke and presses her lips to Clarke's, which quickly makes Clarke move her hand to the back of Lexa's head, pushing their mouths together impossibly closer. Lexa is the first to grunt into their heated kiss as Clarke licks over her bottom lip and taking it between her teeth, knowing that simple move drives Lexa crazy. Absolutely setting her heart into overdrive.

Clarke is the first to take actual dominance as she pushes Lexa back onto the bed as she gets on top of her, their lips not once leaving each other. The kiss was filled with desire as their tongues fought with one another and teeth clashing onto each other. Clarke's hands were tangled in Lexa's long locks as Lexa herself ran her delicate hands over Clarke's thighs on either side of her. Unfortunately for Clarke, her stomach growls and Lexa hears it and she bursts into a fit of laughter as she breaks the kiss. "You're that hungry for me?"

Clarke's face dips and she nuzzles it in Lexa's neck as she shakes of laughter under her. When Lexa's laughter dies out, Clarke sits up straddling Lexa's lap but her blush still hadn't subsided. When Lexa opens her eyes and stares up to the girl on top of her, her heart almost leaps out of her chest at the sight. She reaches up and tucks a strand of blonde hair behind Clarke's ear. "You cut your hair. It's beautiful." She says as she runs her fingertips over the soft strands.

"You only noticed now?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I don't remember much of last night. I remember walking here and the next I remember is when we talked about something on the couch but nothing after that and I had the most peculiar dream and I don't normally dream when I'm drunk."

Clarke places her hands on top Lexa's hands that were still smoothing over her thighs, needing the action to stop if they were going to talk. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Are you sure you want to know? It's kind of stupid I suppose."

"Anything to hear your voice Lexa, even it is about a stupid dream."

Lexa swallows and licks at her dry lips. "Can I maybe have a glass of water first, maybe some Advil too otherwise I will not make it through today and I'd like to because I am going to spend all day with you, all week with you, or until you get sick of me really."

"I don't think that is close to possible. Last night you said you missed me and I expect you to show me just how much tonight." Clarke says leaning down, laying a wet kiss to Lexa's mouth and Lexa tries to capture Clarke's lips again with her own, knowing Clarke was definitely teasing and she was all for it. But before she could get Clarke's lips with her own, she's off and on her feet on the way out the room. Lexa props herself up on her elbows again and enjoys the sight in front of her; Clarke in nothing but a tank top and underwear, her muscles moving under soft skin with every step she takes. Lexa could definitely never grow tired of the sight and she knew there were still many of these mornings to come if it was in fact what Clarke wanted too.

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