Chapter 1 - Deal?

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2020/10/24 #1 in #Heda
2020/11/08 #1 in #Gustus
2020/11/16 #1 in #LunaWoods
2020/11/16 #2 in #ClarkeGriffin
2020/11/24 #1 in #SeaMechanic
2021/01/08 #1 in #The100
2021/07/30 #1 in #LexaKomTrikru
2022/10/02 #1 in #LexaWoods


Clarke wondered how she'd gotten here... So wrapped up in all of it, in Lexa's questionable business, yet she reveled in it. Though it wasn't all Lexa's fault, she blamed her father as well for getting her into this predicament all those months ago when he made a deal with Lexa Woods. Though there was blame, it wasn't full of disdain, Clarke was half glad, Lexa wasn't all that bad. Actually, she wasn't bad at all, she was great except when she switched to business mode, then she became quite unpleasant.

Clarke was reminiscing about the times she'd stare in awe at Lexa when she pulled her leather jacket over her shoulders and flexed in it that it became taught over her back, she probably did it to become comfortable. It was a simple gesture but the sight left Clarke's mouth dry. For such a small frame, Lexa was scary strong, scary solid, - scary beautiful. There were a few sides to Lexa; she adapted to whatever situation she was in.

The two most notable versions were Mafia/Gang boss Lexa that wore her signature leather jacket and tight black jeans with boots that could most likely crush skulls. Then there was legitimate business Lexa with trousers that wrapped around her legs just right, a button up shirt that hugged her abdomen and shoulders perfectly and then the blazer that was tailor made for her. The entire outfit seemed to be tailored just for her. Let's not forget her ever changing tie and cuff-links, she had an abundant collection of each these items.

There were times Lexa was soft and a completely different person from the person her Mafia boss occupation required her to be, her tough act only dropped when she was around Clarke, all her vulnerability showing, nothing but tenderness in those damn green eyes.

Those damn green eyes.

Clarke didn't know why she was thinking about this, at this particular time because there's a hood over her head, nothing but darkness surrounding her. It was conflicting really, she'd think she was supposed to be scared in this situation because after all her very life was in danger probably, but she was surprisingly calm, because she knew, she knew Lexa was coming. Her Lexa was coming to save her and unleash absolute unbridled hell on Clarke's captor.

The last thing Clarke remembers was walking to her car after a night lecture at NYU, then someone grabbed her from the back and put a piece of cloth soaked in Chloroform over her nose and mouth; knocking her out almost instantly.

Perhaps the story of Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin should start at the very beginning. To show how this all came to happen, how Clarke found herself in this uncalled for trunk of a car that's hitting every single damn bump in the road possible.


It was a cold cloudy night, a full moon at its peak, the wind blew softly over the New York docks. Lexa was leaning against the hood of her car, her leather jacket tightly pulled around her in an attempt to stop the cold breeze hitting her skin.

"Lexa" Gustus calls for her, "Do you think he's coming?"

They were waiting for Jake Griffin, the infamous leader of the gang called The Arkers, they were a bunch that minded their own business. Lexa liked that, it made them one of the perfect groups of people to move the product for her. They kept to themselves mostly, they were never suspected by law enforcement for doing truly illegal things; law enforcement didn't mind them, they seemed like petty criminals, petty criminals not worth their time.

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