Chapter 16 - Heartache To The Fullest

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A year has passed since the Woods sisters disappeared from New York city without a single trace to follow. Clarke hadn't handled it well and has been partying almost every day since, in order to forget her heartache but was never successful, it seemed every morning she woke up with a headache and nausea, her heartache had increased and her regret became more and more because she woke up next to a new person each time she often spent the night with. Though she couldn't get herself to sleep with another woman again because all she could think about was Lexa and she'd end up comparing them to her. Clarke only spent nights with different men and the sick thing was that she thought of Lexa while she was with them and it made the sex half phenomenal.

Just like the one and only night they spent together.

Clarke had moved out of her parents' home and in with Raven. Raven seemed better off than Clarke even though she still spoke fondly of and about Luna often as if she wasn't abandoned too. Though their relationship was new and still blooming a year ago, Raven was merely only upset for a month and Clarke was now going a year strong in constant heartache, trying absolutely anything and everything to numb her pain but nothing ever worked.

This morning wasn't different from any other morning though, Clarke woke up with a pounding headache and the guy she brought home last night had already left luckily, she hated when they stayed and tried to make small talk or to get her number. She wasn't interested in anything serious or long term, she just wanted to forget the woman that haunted her drunken dreams but that too proved unsuccessful.

She made her way out of her room to the kitchen to get painkillers and coffee and Raven was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the both of them, she recently decided to up her cooking skills for some reason. Raven had tried supporting Clarke the past year best she could but Clarke continued spiralling so Raven let her spiral for a bit then she'd pull her back to reality and a month later Clarke would spiral again and the process would repeat itself.

"Good morning bestie, how are you feeling this morning? You brought quite the snack home last night."

"Ugh, don't remind me, I feel like absolute shit." Clarke says, her head in her hands as she takes a seat at the kitchen counter. This headache wasn't going to let up, even with painkillers.

Raven made her way to the other side of the kitchen and came back with something in her hands and set it in front of Clarke on the counter. "It was hand delivered for you, from one of your many admirers or suiters I assume."

Clarke rubbed at her eyes, trying to wake up more. Raven turned around grabbing the already made coffee out of the machine and poured Clarke a cup. "Here, looks like you need it."

"Thanks, you're the best."

"And don't you forget it Clarkey."

She reached for the small box in front of her and opened it with a knife that laid a little farther from her on the counter. The box itself didn't feel heavy, it felt quite light, almost empty. Clarke opened the flaps of the box and peered inside, it was merely just a piece of folded paper and when she opens it, her heart sinks and her hands go numb.

"Raven, who delivered this?"

Raven shrugged, "I don't know, a woman with shortish hair, really nice frame, I just saw her from the back as she left. Why what is it?"

"It's from Lexa."

"What?!" Raven swings around the table and locks her eyes on the writing. "Holy shit, you're right, the writing is the same as your other letter."

Dear Clarke

Paris is beautiful this time of the year and all I can do is think about you.
Absolutely anything and everything here is reminding me of you.

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