Chapter 25 - Blood Must Have Blood

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Lexa made her way down stairs, closely followed by Jake, Victor, Vito, Neil and all their respective personal guards, everyone now armed with some sort of firearm. This would be the biggest standoff that would take place since the night Lexa's father was shot and killed. Lexa hoped that history wouldn't repeat itself on this fine night, she had only started to feel like she was living again recently and she wasn't fond of the idea of giving it all up. Surely if Nia did as much as pull a firearm out tonight, Lexa would not think twice about shooting her, she wasn't even going to issue a warning, she was out for blood tonight and she wanted Nia to know. What mattered to Lexa at that stage the moment she opened her front door was that Clarke was safe and out of harm's way.

Truth be told she was scared and dread filled the pit of her stomach, she had a really bad feeling about what was to come next but she knew it had to be faced and she knew it would come sooner or later, especially now that she was back in New York after so long after disappearing without a trace and now that she knew someone was looking for her it only made sense that Nia would get a whiff of it.

When they got outside there were more than several black SUV's parked all over her drive way and there were more than twenty Azgeda members standing around. Nia was among them but she was in conversation with someone and her back was turned to Lexa. All conversation among the members seized the moment they laid eyes on Lexa and her companions approaching them, they knew as much as she did that trouble was coming and a lot of tension floated in the outside air. Soon after the quietness befell the group of Azgedians, a low tone of whispers among them erupted and Nia turned around and to her evil delight, she saw none other than Lexa Woods approach her and she was amused that her daughter had been right, proud almost that Lexa in fact was back in the city.

"You were right my dear, you did well child." Nia said to the person whom stood behind her, someone Lexa could not yet lay eyes on but the familiarity set in on her and she had an idea who it was and to say she was confused and angered among an ocean of other feelings would be an understatement.

"What do you want Nia?" Lexa's voice came strong, deep and full of challenge. She wanted Nia to make a move; Lexa's darkness was starting to creep out and she had murder on her mind, she wanted to kill this woman that took everything from her; her father, her lover. Well supposedly her lover anyway, Lexa wasn't so sure anymore but she could feel her, she could feel Costia. She always believed they shared an undeniable bond but it had since disappeared up until this moment.

"I didn't believe you were back my dear, I had to come see it for myself."

"Well, here I am. Now you can leave and carry on with your miserable life."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk-" Nia's mockery was out of pure amusement that she could annoy Lexa so easily as she does. "See, I came here to talk and to bring you someone I know you haven't seen in so long." Nia turned backward and motioned with her hand, gesturing for the person behind her leaning on the hood of the car to come forward and to stand next to her. "Come child, show our dear Lexa how beautiful you have become, Costia reborn."

The person stepped forward, she was wearing a crimson red suit along with high black  heels and her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and red lipstick on her full lips. The moment Lexa laid eyes on her, her heart stopped, she was sure of it, it was no longer beating, it couldn't have been. In front of her, living, stood Costia. Older and more beautiful than ever, she no longer had her youthful looks, she was a woman now and Lexa couldn't deny that she was extravagant. Lexa did quick math in her head and concluded that Costia was around 23-years old now and she was well, breath-taking.

"I'm sure we don't need any introductions, you two know each other fairly well thanks to me." Nia says, chuffed with herself and for a second Lexa was confused by her statement.

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