Chapter 20 - The Other Woman

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To Luna it felt like the nine-hour flight to JFK had tripled in time because she was absolutely worried sick about Raven's condition especially for the fact that Clarke said it wasn't looking good. Regret also decided to make an appearance because she never said in as much words how she felt about Raven directly to her or to anyone actually, her true fierce feelings were a closely guarded secret. The regret intensified her worry because what if she doesn't get to say to Raven exactly how she felt and all the beautiful words she thought out over the months have to go unspoken. To make things even worse was that Luna sat with info that she should've probably shared with Lexa earlier but she was afraid the info would make Lexa stay behind in Paris and not come home with her. Between her jumbled thoughts about Raven, she tried to figure out how she was going to share with Lexa what Raven's last two letters said about a mysterious woman that has spent a considerable amount of time at her and Clarke's apartment with Clarke herself, though Raven couldn't exactly clarify to Luna what the situation between this Lena woman and Clarke was.

On the other hand, the flight went by too fast to Lexa's taste and her knee hadn't stopped bouncing for the last 2 hours. She was so utterly nervous to see Clarke after so long. To in fact know if Clarke is well and good and if she had gotten her life on track as Gustus said she recently did. He mentioned that Clarke had gotten a new friend but it seemed platonic and not romantic which she was glad to hear, maybe Clarke was waiting. Gustus was going to pick them up at the airport then he would take them to the hospital first and only after that he would take Lexa to see Clarke.

The aeroplane was about to touch down and the passengers had started chatting again more audibly and started to gather their handheld items.

When it landed and came to a stop Luna spoke for the first time in a few hours. They mostly exchanged small talk every here and there on the flight because both women were caught up in their own thoughts.

"Listen Lex, there's something I have to tell you, to prepare you I suppose."

"What is it?" Lexa asks as she unbuckled her seat buckle.

"Don't do anything stupid or say anything stupid but in the last few letters from Raven, she mentioned there was a woman coming by their place. Spending a lot of time with Clarke but Raven couldn't tell if something was going on between them, you know anything serious. Raven said that this woman's name was Lena, the strange thing was that Raven could not find out anything about her, it was like she didn't exist which is a large red flag to me personally. When she tried to talk to Clarke about it, Clarke shut down the conversation for some reason. I think may be blinded by her feelings or something."

Lexa wasn't surprised, but she'd lie if she said she didn't feel a small pang of hurt. This must be the woman Gustus had told her about and this just confirms it. Though she wasn't going to jump to conclusions and if Clarke is dating this Lena person, then she would be happy for them as long as Clarke is happy. Nevertheless, Lexa will have to do her own research on this Lena girl because it definitely is a red flag that she practically doesn't exist; everyone has a digital footprint even if they don't want it.

"Thank you for telling me Luna. But I'm afraid I already know about her, Gustus told me but now I know what her name is and that she is quite suspicious. Did Raven happen to mention what she looked like? So I at least know when I run into her."

Luna shook her head, averting her eyes to the carpet leading them out into JFK to the exit terminals. "Not much. The normal stuff. Really black hair, sharp features, green eyes like yours, tallish, very well built .. hmm, what else. Raven also mentioned Lena looked extremely wealthy, according to Lena she owns some huge tech company in Washington DC apparently but Raven says what she could find about it, seemed dodgy. She also drove a new car every next month and she always dressed very formally which is also weird, I guess. Does Clarke have a fetish for rich woman in suits? Because Lex she sure sounds like she has a specific type if I look at you and imagine this Lena woman."

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