Chapter 17 - Butt Stuff?

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Clarke and Lena were walking back to Clarke & Raven's place, Lena had insisted she'd walk Clarke home for safety and it was close to the club anyway. It made sense because it was already very late, or very early actually, 3am. Polis had closed an hour ago and somewhere in the chaos Raven had disappeared and Octavia left with Lincoln quite early in the night. Clarke's friends leaving didn't bother her because she had great conversation, Lena. She reminded her quite a bit of Lexa, her mannerisms; the way she'd smile or chuckle at something Clarke would say, the way she'd sip on her drink, the way she'd run her hand through her black hair when she'd talk about something she was passionate about or how she rolled her sleeves up when talking about her job but not once did her attention leave Clarke. For the first time in a long time, Clarke felt special again.

She stopped heavily drinking early in the night, not wanting to make a fool of herself in front of Lena, she liked her company and she could tell Lena liked her company too. Clarke was now, stone cold sober and she definitely won't wake up with a hangover and she was half glad about it.

They had taken a detour from the route to Clarke's place, looking for a place to have a snack at and they went to a doughnut place, it seemed like the place Lexa got them doughnuts from a very long time ago. They had finished and they were back on route now, walking close to one another, both girls with their hands in their pockets, trying to avoid the sting of the early morning cold on their fingertips.

"So, what's a girl like you doing in a club like that? I'd think there were fancier places for the rich CEO types like yourself?" Clarke asks, eyes trained on the girl next to her as a small smile curled at the side of Lena's lips.

"Those places don't exist Clarke, don't be silly. Besides I heard Polis was a pretty great club and I was dragged there by some friends as I'm sure you were too and at first I didn't want to go but I'm happy I did." A small moment of comfortable silence passed between them. "What about you miss med student, don't they have special clubs for doctors?"

Clarke shoved Lena's shoulder with her own making her jokingly stumble. "Don't you be silly now, there's no such thing but I definitely know there are fancy places for you guys. But I too am glad I went out and I'm glad you came out too."

They approached the entrance of Clarke's building, coming to a stop awkwardly, neither of them actually wanting to leave each other, strangers yet they seemed so familiar to one another. "Well uhm, this is me."

"I see that." Lena says looking up at the building. "Quite a nice place."
She returned her eyes to Clarke and smiled; Clarke was staring back at her lost in thought.


"Hm, yeah? Sorry, I completely zoned out, I do that sometimes." A blush crept across her cheeks. "I'm not usually this straightforward but I really enjoyed tonight, with you. I was just wondering if we could see each other again? That is if you want to of course and I'd understand if you-"

"Clarke, don't ramble. I'd love to, I was going to ask you the same thing if you didn't."

"Right..." Clarke scratched at the back of her neck nervously, seemingly embarrassed. "It's just been awhile and I don't know how this works anymore."

Lena dug in her back pocket, taking out her phone. "Here, let me do the hard part. Can I have your number and I'll text you stupid things and embarrass myself until I can take you out for dinner."

"You're a dork." Clarke took the phone Lena held toward her and input her number saving it as 'pretty girl from the bar'. "I look forward." She handed her phone back to her.

Lena stepped forward and placed a soft kiss to Clarke's cheek. "Goodnight Clarke, have a nice night or morning, whatever."

Clarke smiled to herself, taking a few steps backward toward the entrance of her building, making a small wave to Lena, "Bye Lena."

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