Chapter 14 - Blissful Pt. 2

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"So I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow?' Lexa asks leaning against her car, her hands on Clarke's hips. Clarke's arms were draped over Lexa's shoulders, her fingers stroking her hair. They had been standing at her car for the past fifteen minutes, neither of them wanting to leave.

"7 sounds perfect, is there anything specific I should wear or something I shouldn't wear?"

"Anything you'd wear will be perfect I'm sure. I'll probably wear something black or white and anything goes with either colour so you can wear whatever you'd like." Lexa was staring at Clarke in pure devotion. She wanted to kiss Clarke so badly but Jake was in the doorway looking at them. Lexa didn't want to kiss her in front of Jake, it seemed wrong on so many levels.

"I'm excited to see formal Lexa, it must be quite the sight. You in a suit, all dressed up." Clarke leaned in, dangerously close to Lexa's lips, clearly she didn't mind her father's presence.

"If I must say so myself, it definitely is." A smirk crawled onto her lips, it was flirtatious. Enough for Clarke to lean closer and meet Lexa's lips with her own. It triggered an abundant flood of sensation and emotion in Lexa, she pulled her even closer, nothing but fabric separating their skin. The kiss was full of ache and want. Lexa dug her fingers into Clarke's skin but soon became aware that they in fact weren't alone when Jake cleared his throat audibly.

"People are always watching Lexa, keep that in mind please." He made his way down the few steps toward them, "Lexa may I have a word with you in private?"

Clarke returned her attention to Lexa, "I'll see you at 7 then." With that she kissed her one last time before making her way inside. "Wait, Lexa?"

"Yes Clarke?" Lexa had returned her hands to her pockets, there was a cold breeze and with Clarke's heat gone, the cold stung at her finger tips.

"Can I have your number?" It was strange, in normal situations, numbers were exchanged before first kisses. But it seemed fitting, because they weren't in a normal situation, in fact it was far from normal.

Lexa's smile widened, "Yes you may. Give me your phone." Clarke handed her, her phone and Lexa swiftly entered her number and saved it. "Call me maybe?"

"That song is terrible and now I'll have to see how I feel if I'll ever even call you after that reference." Clarke teased and this time she made her way to the house.

"Your feelings are so evident and pure." Jake commented staring at his daughter walking away from them, "Lexa, if you and Clarke truly pursue this, you must keep her out of our world. What happened to Costia cannot happen to my daughter."

Lexa chewed the inside of her cheeks, standing up straight, considering what to say to him. "I will keep her safe Jake. Truly. I will lay my life down for her if I must. I however have been thinking to make a plan for our common enemy Jake, a permanent solution. I have grown quite tired of her actions as you know."

Jake nodded, satisfied with Lexa's answer. "I hope you come up with that plan and execute it perfectly. You know you can always give me a call if you need help. I also hope that you and your sister can come around for dinner sometime, perhaps we could eat like a family as your father wished us too." He opened his arms to Lexa, gesturing for a hug. Lexa stepped forward into his embrace and it made her think of her own father. When was the last time she hugged him? It was on her 17th birthday when he came to visit her and Luna at the boarding school, it was so long ago. "I'd like that Jake, I'm sure Luna would too."


Clarke hadn't texted Lexa the remainder of yesterday and she didn't text her today either. Lexa wondered if Clarke was as nervous about tonight as she was. She didn't understand why she was nervous, it was just Clarke. Lexa had been in much worse situations, but the angst and anxiety she was feeling now was beyond compare. When Lexa left the Griffin household yesterday, she called her friend Echo. Echo had an eye for formal wear and Lexa knew she would need a new suit for the Gala tonight.

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