Chapter 24 - A Challenge At Our Doorstep

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Luna had almost spent a full 4 days at the hospital on Raven's bed side where she found herself praying that she could wake up. The only time she left was when Lexa practically forced her to just go take a shower, joking that Raven would not like a reeking Luna once she wakes up. Hesitantly Luna did as told but two hours later she was back, taking Raven's hand in her own again as she watched her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath.

Her heart was aching but she wasn't going to give up. She wasn't going to give up hope for anything in the world. Lexa wasn't good at the whole comforting scene but Clarke on the other hand was great at it and every time they would visit Raven; Clarke would take a seat next to Luna and comfort her or tell her how Raven never stopped talking about her while she was in Paris. Luna liked to hear what Clarke had to say and she was amused by the stories that Clarke told her about Raven when she was younger and the times she got in trouble often for blowing up the chem lab more than once in high-school for doing some sort of crazy experiment. Although it was supposed to be more to Luna's benefit to distract her from Raven's situation, it became more therapeutic to Clarke herself to reminisce about her longtime friendship with Raven.

Things however got interesting on a day when Octavia and her brother Bellamy showed up at the hospital to visit Raven, unaware that the Woods sisters had returned and even more unaware that they were visiting Raven along with Clarke. However, when Bellamy entered the room behind his sister, unbridled rage built inside of him at the sight of Lexa and Luna. Especially at the sight of Clarke and Lexa holding hands, proving all his suspicions from so long ago true, that Clarke in fact was romantically involved with Lexa even though Clarke denied it so many times when he tried getting back together with her several months ago and insisted he had turned his life around.

He obviously lost his temper like a little boy, yelling it was their fault that he had lost his badge and that his life overall was ruined because of them. Octavia stood gawking at her brother and Luna didn't even pay attention to his outburst, simply saying that she wasn't in the mood for him or his tantrum which only angered him farther. The fight was verbal but never became physical this time as Octavia and Clarke took control of the situation, somehow calming him down as they explained that this wasn't the place for it and that they would talk about it when the time was right.

While all the yelling at one another took place, no one took notice of Raven slowly opening her eyes for the first time in 3 and a half weeks. Only when Luna grew tired of looking at the exchange and turned back to Raven did she notice and a large smile grew on her mouth as she hurriedly made her way back to Raven's side. "Hey! Can you all shut up and get a doctor!" Luna yelled and everyone kept quiet in an instant as they heard Luna's voice as well as Raven's heartbeat monitor beeping at a rapid pace. But before anyone could get a doctor, Abby was already there accompanied by two nurses.

As she came into the room, she gave Bellamy a distasteful look but more than that she didn't give him, barely acknowledging him farther.

"I'll get him out of here." Octavia said as she pulled at her brother's arm toward the exit of Raven's hospital room, "Come on big brother, we'll come back when you have calmed down. Maybe I can teach you how to act civil in the time being."

Clarke and Lexa moved out of the way into the corner of the room hand in hand as they watched Abby and the nurses look Raven over. Luna had also moved out of the way, moving to the far wall, leaning her back against it as she tried to steady herself and calm her rapid heartbeat. Abby steadily removed Raven's breathing tube and the moment it was out; Raven coughed a few times. "That fucking sucked." Was the first words Raven Reyes said before she cleared her throat and looked around the room and when her eyes fell on Luna, her heartbeat picked up even more which should have been embarrassing, but she didn't mind at all. She was just happy that her heart in fact was beating because she was sure she wasn't going to make it out of her car as she sat in it stuck under the truck before everything went black. The next thought that crossed her mind was that she wasn't even sure how long ago that was.

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