Chapter 6 - Commander Hot Stuff Pt. 2

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Lexa and Luna were lounging on the couch with cold beers watching football. It was their favourite, football season. Clarke and Lexa had returned a few hours ago and Clarke retreated to her room immediately because of the awkward exchange they had earlier.

"So, Lex..." Luna started.

"So, Luna..." Lexa echoed. She wasn't in the mood for whatever comes next.

"She's here huh? The actual Clarke Griffin, the first one to steal the fearless little Lexa Woods' heart."

"Why do you have to say it like that?" Lexa's face contorted once more, "That was a long time ago, it's not like that anymore. She's dating Detective Bellamy now and second of all, you're literally only 17 minutes older than me Luna, that does not allow you to call me little."

"You know I believed the first part, it being so long ago, then you so sourly said Bellamy and I'm downright convinced you're still simping for little Griffin and Lexa, 17 minutes is 17 minutes, I'm a full 17 minutes wiser than you."

For the first time Lexa looks to her sister since they were having this conversation without looking at one another. "What the hell is simping Luna?"

"I'm not completely sure what the meaning is. I think it means that you're being a little bitch for her. Thinking of it Lex, you probably invented simping."

"That is sooooo not true," Lexa really extended the O sound in 'so' because it was outrageous what Luna was suggesting, "I do not do this simping thing."

Luna huffed a laugh. "Whatever you say simpy Lexi!"

Clarke appeared and sat on the couch to the left from the two sisters, they both looked at her but Luna was the only one smirking; Lexa was just staring,


"Oh and she starts, get ready guys." Luna says to a seemingly invisible audience.

"What?" Clarke says, "Whatever, it doesn't matter. Lexa, I'm bored, what are the terms you've come up with this entire thing, do I get to have people over or something, I can't just sit here all day doing nothing..."

Lexa inhaled deeply, looking to her sister then to Clarke. "I guess you can, I told you, I've never done this..." she shrugs. "Uh, I don't see any harm in it... Yeah sure, you can have one person over at a time to keep you company."

Luna said something under her breath, which neither Clarke or Lexa caught.

"Cool, Raven's coming over, Reyes, I don't think you know her... I kind of already told her to come over so if you said no about someone coming over ... I would've had bad news for you Lex."

There it is again, that damn nickname.

"Do you guys have more beer? I can't possibly handle Raven sober."

Luna wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore; she was scrolling around on her phone. Lexa didn't seem to pay much attention anymore either, there was excited chatter exchanged between the commentators which meant a touchdown was coming up.

Lexa made a gesture towards the kitchen. "Yeah, check the fridge, grab a few," she lightly shook her own empty bottle and looked at her sister's empty bottle on the table. "I think we too need another round, please and thank you Clarke."

Clarke huffed, "Great, I'm a waitress now too in my captors' home."

At that Luna laughed, "She's almost more dramatic than you Lexa," she directed her eyes to Clarke, "baby Griff, if you were held a hostage here, you'd be cuffed-" she paused for dramatic effect, "to Lexa's headboard."

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