Chapter 10 - Business Is Business

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They pull into the spot an ambulance would normally pull into with a patient in the back in front of the ER room. Lexa jumps out of the driver's seat and rushes to the back door and swings it open. Clarke was sitting with Bellamy's head on her lap, Clarke's cheeks were tear stained and the sight absolutely shattered Lexa's heart.

Lexa turned around at the sound of the ER doors sliding open and a gurney being wheeled out accompanied by two male nurses and one female nurse as well as Dr. Abby Griffin.

"Come on Clarke," Lexa says holding her arms out to Clarke, "Step out so they can get him out of the car." Clarke complied and slowly slid his head off of her lap and stepped out, laying his head softly onto the seat and moved out of the way. The one male nurse went to the other side of the car, opening the back door and got in.

"On 3, lift his legs." The male nurse said to the one in the car.

"1, 2, 3." They lifted him simultaneously and eased him out of the car onto the gurney. "Get him on an empty bed, I'll be there shortly." Abby says ordering them. They did as told and wheeled him inside.

"I'm going to go park the car, I'll be inside in a minute." Lexa says to Clarke squeezing her hand. Abby notices and quirks her eyebrow at Clarke.

When Lexa's gone, Abby speaks. "What happened?"

"I don't know mom, we found him like that."

Abby nods, "Okay, get yourself cleaned up take a seat in the waiting room. I'll update you when I'm done examining him, you know how it works."

Clarke only nods and Abby rushes inside toward the ER rooms.

Clarke stays standing in the same spot, looking down to her bloody hands and the blood on her shirt. She felt sick. Her hands were still shaking, this was so wrong.


Lexa came into the waiting room, looking around, searching for Clarke. Herself and Clarke needed to talk before more questions were asked, she had to make sure Clarke had her story in line. What Luna did was wrong yes, but Lexa herself agrees that he deserved it. Perhaps she felt he deserved it more for selfish reasons but what's done is done and she needed to protect Luna.

Lexa spotted Clarke's blonde hair and strode toward her.

Lexa knelt in front of Clarke, whom was just staring blankly in front of her.
"Hey." She says softly, both her hands on Clarke's knees. "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?"

Clarke averted her gaze to Lexa and she shakes her head. "No. No, I'm fine. Please sit, I think we need to talk."

Thank God she feels the same, Lexa thinks.

Lexa stands up straight then takes the seat next to Clarke.

"Have they said anything?"

"No, my mom said she'd come tell me when she's done with him."

Lexa nods and sits closer to Clarke. "I'm so sorry this happened Clarke." She says softly, so that only Clarke can hear her.

"It's not your fault Lex, you did your best." Clarke says, her hand finding Lexa's, looking for some sort of comfort.

Lexa only nods. "I suppose. I should've taken you there myself. I would've handled it better. I would've made you leave before so many words and punches were exchanged. I should've never sent Luna. I am so sorr-"

"Lexa," Clarke interrupts her, "It's over now and neither of us can do anything about it. I'm sorry I got Luna involved, I shouldn't have been so adamant to see him but I was because I knew you'd let me."

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