Chapter 28 - Lesbians Coming Through, Beep Beep

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On the ride to the hospital Lexa's eyes were glued to Clarke's blue ones and she merely had a few words to say, accepting her fate if it did become reality. "To truly love another person is to accept that the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them." All Clarke did was shake her head at Lexa's words replying that it wasn't any sort of work loving her; that it was the easiest thing she had ever done and that she will never stop loving her in fact and she sure as hell wasn't losing her tonight either. Lexa smiled back at her, taking in every single word Clarke had said and she let it drift to her heart, where the words made their home. Her grip on Clarke's hand was tight in that moment but she became tired and along with that her grip loosened and her eyes closed.

A long beep erupted from the mobile heart monitor in the back of the ambulance as Lexa's heart stopped beating and a long breath came out of her mouth as her hand fell limp in Clarke's. Clarke yelled a series of 'No!' but Anya acted fast along with the EMT's that knew chest compression's weren't the best choice seeing Lexa would lose even more blood than she already had. "Shock her!" Anya yelled and the EMT's were already cutting Lexa's blood-soaked shirt off. "Alright on three, I'm going to take my finger out." She counted to three and yanked her finger out, "Clear!" the female EMT yelled as she pressed the paddles to Lexa's chest.

Lexa's chest lifted off the bed as the shock ran through her body but her heart didn't restart. "Again!" Clarke found herself yelling and without hesitation the female EMT yelled "Clear!" again as she pressed the paddles to Lexa's chest and Anya held her breath knowing with each shock, Lexa's heart weakens and the chance of it restarting becomes less and less. Her chest rose from the bed again but still the beep remained monotone, flat-lining. "Again!" Clarke yelled and the female EMT looked to Anya wearily, asking with her eyes if she in fact should try again, knowing the chances were just about non-existent that Lexa's heart would restart. With a slight nod, Anya approved and for the last time the EMT yelled a "Clear!" and pressed the paddles to Lexa's chest.

Lexa's whole body's muscles contracted as the biggest shock ran through her body and her eyes shot open and she took a large breath, trying to fill her lungs with air. Without even thinking, Anya plunged her finger back into the bullet wound. "Fuck!" Lexa yelled, "Just let me die goddammit!" Anya smiled down at her niece shaking her head, "Not a chance kiddo."
Relief washed over Clarke like large waves crashing onto the shore and she was crying again, but this time they were happy tears as she felt Lexa's grip on her own hand return, though it was weak, it was there and that was all that mattered.

Anya had taken lead in the surgery to remove the bullet from her niece and Abby assisted but now after hours Abby came into the waiting room and all eyes were on her, she was surprisingly clean. No evident blood on her scrubs, unlike Clarke that felt like she was stained in the blood of her lover head to toe. She didn't even bother to wash her hands when they got to the hospital and she almost fought a male nurse off as she tried following Lexa to the OR even though she knew the protocol but all she could think was 'screw protocol', it was Lexa, her Lexa.

It felt like Lexa's surgery went on for an eternity to both Clarke and Luna and even Raven insisted she get out of bed too as she wheeled around in a wheelchair. Clarke had paced the private waiting room more times than she could count and Luna sat with her head in her hands as Raven spinned round and round in her wheelchair; bored and anxious all together.

"She's out of surgery, we removed the bullet but she's going to be out of it for a bit. It went as well as it could considering where the bullet was lodged but we have strong hopes for a full recovery." Abby says as she walks to her daughter, seeing that she's at the brink of crying again. Abby pulled Clarke into a tight hug as she just cried and uttered a "Thank you." between her sobs. Next to them Luna released a breath of air she had no idea she was holding since Abby came into the room and she felt Raven take her hand in her own and place a kiss on her knuckles. "Everything's going to be okay Lun, she's going to be fine."

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