Chapter 4 - Commander Hot Stuff

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What does one do in times like these, half kidnapped? Half kidnapped in the woman's house you haven't seen in 5 years. The woman whom completely and utterly broke your heart all those years ago when she just disappeared into thin air.

The rooms quiet and it seems the entire house is quiet. Clarke turns over once more and there Lexa is, head slumped to the side on the couch, she's asleep.

Crazy brown curls thrown all over.

The entire night has been heart wrenching for Clarke, seeing her then best friend after all these years yet Lexa doesn't seem to reciprocate the intense feelings of being separate for this long. They've always had a close bond, but to Clarke that now seems missing. Clarke doesn't believe Lexa, that she's been at boarding school all this time up until Matthew's funeral.  

To be fair, Clarke couldn't be that mad at Lexa for not reaching out. She had known Lexa returned when her father passed, and Clarke too made no attempt to reach out. After Lexa returned and the funeral passed, she had asked her father about Lexa again. This time he was willing to give her some answers like as to why she's back and he let it slip that Lexa had taken over Trikru alongside her sister Luna. It was disappointing to Clarke, because she knew Lexa had so much more potential than running a crime circle.

Clarke regrets not being at Matthews funeral but she was away at that time with her boyfriend Bellamy and other best friend Octavia.
She missed Bellamy right now. She furrowed her eyebrows at herself, she still had her phone, she guesses Lexa didn't think as far as to taking her phone from her, then again, why would she?

Clarke rolls over again and takes her phone off the nightstand and unlocks it, her mother had sent her an abundant number of messages, mostly ranging from how mad she was at Jake for involving Clarke so closely in business he's tried and successfully kept out of until this faithful night. Other texts stated that Abby will do everything in her power to get Clarke back ASAP. Yet there were no texts from Bellamy, he's probably still busy at the station ... as usual. He completely overindulges in his work.

It's 4am and Clarke's really hungry now. Clarke sits up and decides to take Lexa's offer up on food, though the offer might've expired, she was willing to ask, her hunger now getting the best of her. Stomach over head and heart.

"Lexa?" Clarke asks softly not wanting to scare her out of sleep. Lexa however doesn't even move. She's still a heavy sleeper Clarke concludes.

She throws the blanket off her legs and dangles them down the side of the bed, her bare feet colliding with the cold wood. Clarke slips off the bed and lightly steps toward the couch.

"Lexa?" Clarke asks a little louder this time.

Lexa was tipsy last night Clarke recalls, tipsy yet still able to form coherent sentences without slurring a single word, and still able to lie too apparently. Bullshit Lexa went to boarding school. Utter bullshit.

"Hm..." Lexa grumbles when Clarke lightly pokes at her shoulder.

"Hey Lexa..."

Lexa's eyes shoot open and she flies up almost knocking Clarke over.

"Umpf-" she huffs still bumping into Clarke. Her eyes focus and she's instantly embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I- uh" she breathes out, a sudden headache hitting her square on the head, "Is- is everything okay?" Lexa was still quite disorientated. 

Clarke has her hands on either of Lexa's shoulders steadying her. When Lexa is steady, Clarke quickly retracts her hands, hoping Lexa didn't notice the touch.

"Yeah, everything's fine, I'm just hungry..." Clarke says a little ashamed.

"Oh, oh, yeah right. Hm, what time is it?" Lexa asks rubbing at her eyes.

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