Chapter 7 - A Night Of Excitement

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Lexa didn't approach Bellamy and Clarke at the front door directly, she opted to go to the kitchen and lean forward on the counter looking over toward the front door. She grabbed the glass of Jack Daniels already on the table, untouched. Their discussion seemed calm and civil, which Lexa found tedious; she craved an altercation with her newly found knowledge.

"Bellamy, I'm fine, seriously, please go home and I'll text you in the morning." Clarke said with both her hands on Bellamy's chest, his shirt was down 3 buttons, accentuating his toned pecks. He had both his hands resting on either side of Clarke's hips. His head tilted to the side staring at her, he was probably going for admiration but his eyes were filled with pure lust.

"Come on Clarke, let's get out of here, spend the night at my place, you can always come back here in the morning." He had a grin on his face, a grin that would probably drop any girls' panties, just not Clarke's, she had a level of class that Bellamy didn't seem to understand.

He pulled on Clarke's hips in an attempt to get her closer to him, but still, she resisted.

"Go Bellamy, please I want to stay here, I promised Lexa we'd hang out tonight." It was a lie, but she was willing to say anything to get him to leave. Clarke didn't know Lexa had already returned and she was looking on. Clarke wanted to avoid Lexa knowing Bellamy had been here.

Clarke pulled away from him, but he grabbed her wrists pulling her toward him again.

"Bellamy, you're hurting me." Clarke winced, "Please just go, we'll talk tomorrow." It seemed his grip just tightened then. What does he not understand? Clarke thought, she's not interested and it's obvious.

He made no sign that he was willing to leave without her.

Lexa downed the glass of Jack Daniels and set it down on the counter, hard.

'That's enough.' Lexa thinks.

Lexa moved toward them, fire in her eyes, she was beyond livid.

"Detective Blake, it's time you go." Lexa's voice showed no signs of anger surprisingly.

Clarke's eyes flicked to Lexa in surprise, that she in fact was here already.

He still held onto Clarke's wrists, "Lexa, there you are! I was wondering when you'd appear!" he was awfully loud, "Tell Clarke that it's fine to leave with me, she insists on staying here."

"I concur with Clarke, Detective," she too pushed onto his chest now with her dominant hand, "Let go of her, she'll stay right here, you're too intoxicated to drive and I will not have her in danger with you."

Bellamy huffed, "What are you talking about? I'm fine." At those words, funny enough, he stumbled backward, his hands letting go of Clarke's wrists.

"I'll have someone drive you home Detective, but you need to leave. Alone." She said curtly.

"Lexa, it's fine seriously, he was just about to leave here." Clarke says pleading.

"It doesn't look to me that way Clarke." Lexa replies.

"Listen Lexa-" Bellamy hiccuped, "Clarke's going with me, you don't have a say." he says rather loudly again.

"I differ, I have all the say, now leave before I have someone carry you out! This is my home and you will not disrespect me." Lexa clenched her teeth together, almost at breaking point, the muscles in her jaw bouncing under soft skin. She kept herself together, for Clarke's sake.

Her hand balled into a fist on Bellamy's shirt, pushing him farther out the door. "I do not care if you drive yourself out of here or if someone comes to fetch you, but Clarke stays."

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