Chapter 2 - Screw You

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Clarke could not believe this. How big of a monster has Lexa become Clarke wonders. She knows she hasn't seen her in quite a few years and when she does Lexa treats her like a bargaining chip. Is she only worth money, is she not a person? People aren't things that are supposed to have monetary value.

Her father looks back at her, shocked, at what Lexa had demanded she supposes. Is he actually considering it? Giving her away as 'assurance'.
He can't, he's her father.

Lexa has moved back to the hood of her car leaning against it nonchalantly, as if this isn't a big deal.

"Dad?!" Clarke says panicked, "She's crazy, tell her! Tell her she's crazy!"

Clarke looks at Lexa and she sees a smirk on her face. Her stupid, stupid face. This is so angering to Clarke. How dare she even suggest this?

"Honey," Jake starts, "I- I.."

Great, he's stuttering, which means he's considering it.

Jake turns towards Lexa again, Lexa's grin still ever evident, she seems to be enjoying this. "Lexa, you can't possibly be serious... My daughter? You want my daughter as assurance?"

Lexa pushes up from the hood and strides toward them again, "Jake, what else would you have me ask for? What else do you possibly have to offer right here, right now, that would guarantee me that you'd pay me in the very near future."

Gustus and Indra have clearly grown uncomfortable in this situation because they keep exchanging glances.

"I am not going anywhere with you!" Clarke snarls at Lexa from behind her father, "You're absolutely sick!"

But Lexa shrugs, she doesn't understand what's so bad about her said assurance request, it wasn't like she was going to hurt Clarke. Maybe Clarke thinks Lexa will hurt her. But she won't, never. Not purposely.

Jake's mouth and throat has gone dry which makes his next words quite hoarse, "Fine, fine, but promise me you won't hurt her."

"What?! Dad?! What the hell?" Clarke yells, clearly outraged.

Lexa smirks again but ignores Clarke, "Jake why on earth would I hurt her? She's simply assurance that you'll pay. When you pay me, I'll return her to you unscathed." Okay, in hindsight, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words Lexa thinks and mentally slaps herself for it.

Jake turns back to his daughter and takes her hands in his, they're both shaking. Neither anticipated that this meeting will go this way, they were only supposed to go have dinner at that nice Italian place Clarke likes a few blocks from here, but now, now she's basically being traded. Clarke hated this part of her father's life but never the less, she absolutely adored him. He didn't want this life for his daughter and he was sending her to university and everything.

"This is just a casual meeting," he said to her on the way here in the car, "Don't worry about it, we'll be out of there in no time."

But here they were, both shaking, Clarke could feel tears brimming in her eyes, her throat clenched and she was giving it her everything to just not cry. She wasn't about to show any sort of weakness.

"This is getting quite tedious Jake, I don't have all night." Lexa coos.

'This is intensely boring too' Lexa thinks to herself.

"Honey," Jake tries again, "It's going to be okay, just a week and – and I'll have the money then all of this will be over." He closes his eyes and drops his head. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have brought you with, it was stupid and reckless of me, but it's going to be okay, okay?" with that he pulls Clarke into a tight hug which she immediately reciprocates. "I love you and I'm sorry Clarke."

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