Chapter 26 - Revenge

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It had been a week since Azgeda visited Lexa's home and it had been a week since Indra died in vain. But most importantly to Nia right now was that her son Roan still hadn't returned home. She found it strange because he was a competent man in the tasks she sent him to do, tasks that just consisted of killing a number of people. Of course, he failed to kill Clarke's friend Raven in the car crash but he assured Nia that he would not fail again.

He was supposed to be back already, it wasn't like him to stay away from home after a kill and he wasn't answering his phone either. His instructions were to kill Clarke, how hard could it be? They all heard the gunshots burst behind Lexa's home which had to mean that he succeeded. Right?

Nia was sitting at the head of the large dining table in her mansion, sipping on a glass of red wine. Costia had been avoiding her the past 5 days but she was use to it; she was use to playing the villain in her daughters' life. After all she hadn't seen her eldest daughter in over 2 years, Ontari made it clear she no longer wanted anything to do with Azgeda as soon as she married and had her first child with her loving husband. She wasn't willing to let her family, especially her new born girl, be in the danger she herself was in her entire life.

Titus entered the large dining room with a neatly wrapped box in his hands. A nervous expression was etched into his facial features. He had seen a move like this before by the leader of Floukru, Victor Dubois. This is how he sent his messages, loud and clear. Titus cleared his throat to get Nia's attention to make her aware of his presence because she was immersed in a large painted family portrait that hung on the wall above the fireplace. She remembered the day it was painted and it was the last time her whole family was together in the same room.

"Nia, I do not mean to disturb you but this box was left on the doorstep. Your gate guards did not see who dropped it off."

Nia didn't bother looking at Titus, she found herself comparing him to a cockroach often. He was always scampering around, not being paid attention to while he silently moved in the shadows to gather the information he sought. Whenever he would feel like he is on the losing side, he'd change sides; providing info to win the other party's trust again. "And? What is it Titus? Have you looked inside?"

"No, it is addressed to you. I feel it would be disrespectful of me to open your packages. It is simply not my place."

Nia sighed and finally looked at Titus annoyed. "Bring it here then. Perhaps its from Roan and he's having one of his PTSD moments again from his military days." Titus walked toward the table and set the box on the table and as soon as he tilted the box slightly, he felt whatever was inside shift weight and in that moment, he was sure of what it was.

"It's very nicely wrapped, I must say. A pretty ribbon and all." Nia says as she pulls one end of the string, untying the bow. It was a round box, so a cylinder if you must; it was clad in a black velvet satin material, very soft under one's touch. She slowly shimmied the lid off and when a quarter inch of the inside of the box was exposed to outer air, the foul smell of dried blood and death crept out of it.

Nia quickly jerked her face away from the box at the smell hitting her nostrils. Titus had smelt it as well and he only closed his eyes and kept his hands clasped in front of him. This was a call for war, the final war between rivaling gangs. Nia put a hand over her nose in attempt to muffle the foul scent, her face still contorted in disgust of the smell as she lifted the lid again to peek inside. She flipped the lid upward and peered inside and the world around her stopped.

Nia wasn't sure what to expect, she wasn't sure what she would find inside but not in a thousand years did she think she will see her sons clouded by death eyes stare back at her. Her scream shrieked through the home as she stumbled backward over her chair almost falling as one of her hands was over her mouth and her other hand pressed to her chest; her heart was exploding in shock. Someone had sent her only sons head to her in a neatly wrapped box.

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