Chapter 13 - Blissful

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"Luna can you just put the remote controller down for a second?" Lexa asked for probably the seventh time.

"Can you see I'm in a match, I can't just exit, I'll lose rank." Luna replies, smashing the buttons on the controller vigorously, she seemed very committed to winning,

"Give it to me," Raven says grabbing at the remote, "I can finish this much faster than you can."

Luna eyed her, "Is that what she said?" she asks handing the controller to Raven anyway.

"How are you even holding the controller?" Clarke questions, "Your hand probably shouldn't be under so much pressure, you could've made the damage much worse if you haven't already done so."

"Does she fret over you this much too Lexa? Because she sure frets over me a lot." She extended both her hands in Clarke's direction, "Would you like to have a look?"

"No." Clarke crossed her arms in front of her chest like an upset child, "It's too late already if you did mess them up."

Lexa had a palm pressed to her forehead in frustration. Why was Luna like this? "Look Luna, I spoke to Anya and she's willing to operate on you. Before you say anything, you don't have a choice in this matter. I have already booked your flight and you leave tonight. Raven here will be going with you to make sure you get to the hospital and have Anya do what she does. When she's done with you, feel free to continue your hate streak."

"No! There's no way I'm letting that woman touch me! I'd rather have an ugly hand forever." She attempts to flex her hand, "See I'm fine it's not-" a cracking sound echoes through the quiet room, "Jesus fuck!" Luna exclaims, "Okay, okay, maybe I'm not fine."

Clarke's eyes were wide, looking at Luna's hand. "That was literally the worst thing you could've done Luna! Give your hand here!"

Clarke lifted the hand closer to her eyes, a stern look plastered to her face. "Is it okay Clarke? On second thought, I don't want an ugly hand, I liked the way it looked before."

"You didn't puncture an artery which very easily could've happened considering the sharp broken bones. But you have moved the fragments out of place considerably, I recommend you don't try that again to be funny or even try using it at all."

"Fine, I'll go. Can you expedite my flight because my pain level just went from 11 to I can barely fucking breathe."

Clarke eyed Lexa whom nodded. "I'll try make it happen, I'll be right back." She says getting up exiting the room.

"Do you think she can fix this Clarke?"

Clarke shrugged, "If she's as good as you guys say she is, then with work, yes. You'll need some physical therapy too. A range of exercises that will ensure your hand works close to normal again."

Luna nodded, "Okay," she swallowed nervously. "Raven would you mind helping me pack and maybe driving us to the airport? I'll let you drive my car."

"What? Really? You would? The Mustang? I- I'd love to! I'll pack your entire room if it means I get to drive the Mustang, I'll carry you to the car if it means I get to drive." Raven says over excitedly, barely able to contain her excitement.

Luna was smirking, "My legs work just fine thank you, but since you're in such a giving mood I can think of something else."

"Guys, come on! I'm still here, couldn't you just have asked me to leave before you so obviously asked for sex."

"Clarke," Luna says acting surprised, "I was just thinking of a cup of coffee, but if you insist. I'm down to clown." Luna sat forward on the couch, locking eyes with Clarke, "Speaking of sex. No sex while I'm gone. No sex in here, no sex in the kitchen, no sex in the pool and definitely, heed my warning Clarke, no sex in the hot tub, I will know if any of these places were violated."

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