Chapter 29 - See You Soon

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Some months had passed and no trouble had arisen and it was a strange phenomenon to Lexa. She simply wasn't use to things being quiet and business running smoothly. Azgeda had disbanded after they had no leadership left and some of the members even went on to join the other gangs and it came out that they had been conspiring against Nia for a long time as well; it was comical really, that not even her own people liked her. Nia being killed was a blessing in disguise to them, most said that they had only worked for her because she paid well and was putting food on their tables and it never was about loyalty.

As predicted Lexa had made a full recovery and was now only left with a pretty ugly scar but every time she looked at it, it didn't really matter because having this scar was better than not being alive. Raven had been in physical therapy for awhile and she made exceptional progress, she could almost walk perfectly again. Of course, Luna was her rock throughout the entire process and she was at every single physical therapy session Raven had and when Raven would fall and get frustrated, Luna would give her a stern look followed by a kiss and a "You can do it my love." And Raven would be right back on her feet, walking better than she had been all day.

Lexa had sold all her contacts and trade routes to the different allies she had; Victor Dubois had bought most of it. He and his son Miles were really up and coming to say the least, they practically ran every underground operation in New York and Lexa was happy that she and Luna were getting out of that world. Every single dollar she got, she invested into multiple business in New York city and she even found herself buying a tech company of sort and that's what kept her busy throughout the day now while Clarke worked at the hospital or attended her classes at NYU. She was due to graduate later that year with her degree and Lexa couldn't be prouder of her.

They had moved in together 3 months after Lexa got out of hospital and neither of them could possibly be happier. It was surreal and a dream come true. They had date nights that allowed them to just be alone and love one another without any sort of interruption and those were the moments Lexa had savoured the most; when Clarke's eyes would light up with excitement when she talked about getting a permanent job at the hospital or how she saved someone on a particular day.

Some nights Lexa and Clarke would go to Abby and Jake's home to have dinner or they would come to Lexa's home for dinner. They had grown particularly fond of Lexa; Abby more than Jake somehow but she would never admit it. Jake considered Lexa his daughter, now more than ever before and it was evident in the way they spoke but still he considered her his equal and they often spoke of business, real business since Jake was also looking to get out of the crime world and they decided to become business partners of sort.

Life was great until it wasn't anymore.

Costia was set to appear in court on the day to be set to trial and Clarke was set to be a witness; a witness to that Costia in fact was pretending to be someone she was not, that she in fact had illegally taken up an identity that was not hers and that she had actually killed the woman whom the identity belonged to. As the days went on after Costia's arrest, Clarke was contacted by the FBI to be a material witness in Costia's case, she accepted. However, when she was briefed on exactly all the charges Costia was facing, it was absolutely sickening. She couldn't believe that she had allowed someone like that into her home, let alone her life. Costia was absolutely psychotic. It came out that she had killed Lena Luthor and took her identity as her own. That however wasn't the best part even, upon the FBI digging even farther into her multiple identities, there were even more outstanding warrants of arrest against her.

Obsession. That was her problem it seemed. She obsessed with things she could not have and essentially, she lived in her own little world and when something didn't go her way, she lost it. When they arrested Costia and took her fingerprints for processing, they realized she wasn't even in the system anymore, that her over all identity had been scrubbed. Costia Azgeda substantially never existed and it made the case significantly harder; if it wasn't for the hard copies kept by the FBI, they would have had to let her go.

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