140AD - The Rise To Empress

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Since this story is almost over ... This is coming up!

Alexandria Silvestre [Latin for Woods] was born in the small city of Polis raised by her parents Maximus and Becca Silvestre

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Alexandria Silvestre [Latin for Woods] was born in the small city of Polis raised by her parents Maximus and Becca Silvestre.

Maximus was the owner of one of the most renowned Gladiatorial academies in all of Rome where novice warriors and slaves would come to train as Gladiators.
In some instances even decorated warriors would come to learn the trick of the trade to become Gladiators fit to fight in the fierce Colosseum.

Alexandria had taken an extensive interest in her fathers profession at a young age and started training with the fierce warriors. Female Gladiators were people that was of an extreme rarity but still they fought in the Colosseum with men as their equals.

When a civil war struck, Alexandria was prepared to fight alongside her brothers and sisters but what she was not prepared for was to lose her family and lover Costia.

After the war she decided that Polis had nothing more to offer her now that she had lost everything she had ever loved. In her grief Lexa and her best friend Octavia set out to Rome to fight in the Colosseum and Lexa feels if death befall her, it would not matter.

After her first fight and many kills, the new Emperor Jake Gryphem [Latin for Griffin] was quite satisfied with her performances and show of skill being able to cut down men three times her size.

Upon personally meeting Alexandria by his request after a match in the arena, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to set Alexandria in his daughter, Clarke Gryphem's personal guard which Alexandria honourably accepts as it is a request from her Emperor.

However, upon meeting Clarke Gryphem, Alexandria is absolutely blown away by her Empress's beauty.

Although Alexandria continues to fight in the Colosseum to free her mind of her demons, her Empress clouds her mind and she now fights to live.

And so her Rise to Empress begins in 140AD.

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