Chapter 19 - Raven?

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Winter had fell upon Paris and snow covered the streets thickly but there were still crowds in the streets, all dressed in thick coats as well as beanies and gloves. Lexa however didn't mind the cold, she embraced it. She enjoyed the sting the early crisp wind laid upon her skin and small follicles of snow falling from the sky. It had been several and a half months since the letter came from Clarke and Lexa has practically been counting the days.

Nothing new had shown up in the papers about their case and it was looking up. Herself and Luna were planning on going back to the US in merely three or so months, just for good measure. Titus had fallen off the radar and Gustus could not tell her where he went or why he went missing, it was alarming to Lexa. Though all their money was safe so he didn't take off with it which meant she couldn't come up with any sort of tangible reason for him disappearing. Gustus however did try find out about the case Bellamy opened against the Woods sisters but the files were sealed and he had no way of getting to them; after all, that sort of stuff was Titus' job to find out, hence the problem of him going missing. The Woods sisters had no solid evidence of what was going on with the case.

Luna and Raven had continued writing to one another; each letter fonder than the last and Lexa was happy for her sister; she was happy Luna had finally found happiness even if it was far away. Luna was the stubborn kind however, when one letter would cross her invisible line, she quickly shut the idea down but by the third letter after that they would just be back at square one, saying things that only people who love one another would say but there were no such things exchanged. No "I love you's". It was concerning but it made sense; Luna didn't want it to get that serious from so far. Though it was serious already since they shared their first kiss the first night they met and things just progressed fast from there on out; on their trip to LA for Luna's surgery they shared a night of passion and it was Raven's first time with a woman and it meant a great deal to her. A great deal so large that Luna couldn't comprehend it even if she knew but Raven never shared the thought with her because she thought it foolish to feel such a way; it was just sex after all.

Lexa sat idle on the balcony, sipping on her hot coffee while trying to read a French magazine. In her time here she had picked up quite a bit of French and she found it interesting to learn such a beautiful language, it was so different and passionate from the English language. However, her knowledge only stretched to speaking quite a bit of it, it hadn't quite extended to being able to read it. She tilted her head to the side, looking at the word she was stuck on, as if looking at it from a different angle would help but it obviously didn't work.

Rustling came from behind her; it was probably Luna coming back from the newsstand that she's ruthlessly visited twice every day for the past week. For what reason, Lexa had no idea because Luna refused to share with her why. About two months ago Luna had taken Lexa to the newsstand to meet Gabriel and Lexa was sure he was the most kind hearted person she had ever met and she was feeling like cupid on the day, city of love and all. So, with clear intentions she invited him out with them on the night and introduced him to a close friend she had here in Paris. Josephine was her name, she reminded her of Clarke quite a lot and Josephine did try come onto her not long after they got to Paris initially but nevertheless Lexa shut the off the pass Josephine made toward her because Lexa's heart still belonged to Clarke, as it now still does.

Josephine and Gabriel took an immediate liking to one another and the sparks just flew all over the place and as far as Lexa knew, these sparks were still flying. It made her happy that she could bring two such passionate people together.
Lexa still had not been with anyone since they left the United States and she wasn't planning on being with anyone, just Clarke. She longed for the day they could go back to the US; just three months. She just so selfishly hoped that Clarke would stay true her promise she made in her last letter; that she would wait for Lexa. But Lexa knew that she would not blame Clarke if she in fact did not stay true to it.

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