Chapter 23 - Oh, Commander!

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Lexa and Clarke spent the rest of the day chatting about Paris and then what Clarke had been up to and how her studies were going. Upon hearing directly from Clarke that she in fact had been a party animal until she met Lena- Costia at 'Polis' the club was shocking for Lexa to hear. To a point however, Lexa was grateful that Clarke had met Costia because she managed to ground Clarke while Lexa wasn't there to do it herself. Lexa learnt that Clarke had been with quite a few people while she was in Paris and strangely it didn't anger her though because she understood the reasoning behind it since she used meaningless sex to forget as well after supposedly losing Costia, but perhaps she did feel a twinge of jealousy. 

It made her wonder why people always resulted to sex if they wanted to forget, upon not figuring out a valid answer, she concluded that the human species was curious indeed.

Clarke found it hard to believe that Lexa hadn't been with anyone else in the past year and a half because hell, it was Lexa. She made her presence known in every single room she entered without even saying a single word. It was her strong personality that made her known.
Lexa had explained that what she said in her letters to Clarke was true and that it was final, that she loves Clarke with her entire being and there was no one else for her. The way Lexa said these words to Clarke with such conviction shoved out all and every insecurity she felt about her time away from Lexa.

Both women had practically forgotten about the problem on hand; the problem of Costia and what exactly her intentions were and are. Clarke had tried to call her when Lexa went to shower, not wanting to upset her in case Costia did answer the phone but of course the line didn't even ring and there wasn't even a voicemail anymore. It was like the phone number never even existed which confirmed the last of Clarke's suspicions, that Lena in fact was not Lena, but someone completely different, someone whom is supposed to be dead. Someone that has gone to such extreme lengths to change their identity and Clarke couldn't help wonder why. Was she running from someone? Was she hiding from someone and if that were the case, how does Lexa come into the equation?

When Lexa made the necessary calls now that she was back in New York it left Clarke alone with her thoughts and none of these thoughts weren't related to Costia. Now however it was around 7pm and the two women decided they would make dinner themselves tonight. With Lexa so close to Clarke, working side by side as Lexa showed off her impressive dicing skills, Clarke's mind was empty as she mixed together ingredients for the alfredo sauce.

Clarke turned around with the bowl and made her way to the stove and poured the bowls contents into the pot. This was one of the very few things she was good at in the kitchen, making a really kickass sauce. Lexa's phone buzzed audibly on the wooden table and Lexa looked to it but didn't bother to get it because she had a task at hand: to dice these onions without crying.

"Hey Clarke, would you mind checking that for me? It's probably Luna or Gustus."

"Yeah sure." Clarke turned down the heat of the stove to let the sauce simmer as she made her way to Lexa's phone. It was a text from Gustus. "It's Gustus, he says 'It will be done Heda'. Heda? What does that mean Lex? I remember you used it that night at gala when Nia was there."

Lexa smiled to herself, her eyes not leaving the knife's movement, careful not to cut her fingers. "To tell you the truth, I have no idea. Gustus came up with it, he uses it when something is serious, it's like a codename for me if you will."

"I'm looking it up give me a sec." Clarke tapped away on the screen and waited a second for the browser to load its results. "Huh, it's Germanic. What's Germanic? Anyway, it means 'warrior in the war' or 'female warrior'. That's actually sexy Lexa, I'm not gonna lie."

"Well there you have it then. You can call me Heda in bed now."

Clarke furrowed her eyes at the statement. "Why does that sound so rehearsed? Did the women in Paris call you Heda?" Clarke asks setting the phone back down on the table and walked over to Lexa, placing her hand on Lexa's lower back.

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