You're supposed to be the Prince of Wales and future King of England!

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A/N: I hope this one doesn't disappoint. I know a lot of people enjoy The Hollow Crown and Shakespeare too. So I am worried about ruining it, especially because I have never written in this format before. All I can say is I tried my best to make it sound like the times it is set in and so on.

Also I recommend Seeds of Time by CatWinchester, if you haven't read it before. It's a great read about Hal. In fact I've read it more than once myself and still find it as good as the first time.


Summary: The Thomas' flee their home and seek shelter and help from Henry IV. Their story is quite the tale and seemed very believable, so much in fact they are granted the kindness of Henry and his council. Hal Henry's eldest however is suspicious of them and sees how they mistreat their serving girl Cecilia. 

As time goes on Alice Thomas tries to get into Hal's bed, however he thinks she would be better off as a whore instead. After which he ends up spending more and more time with Cecilia, as he enjoys her company as much as she enjoys his.


The year of our lord, 1412

James Thomas and his daughter Alice came to stand before Henry IV and his council seeking their help. The council members stood extremely close to their King as they could, which was without ascending the steps up to his throne. Of course Henry's sons were present too, all except the eldest, much to Henry's disappointment. In any case Henry and his council knew all about the Thomas' as they are a well known noble family from Scotland. However, now they gain knowledge of them fleeing their home, tell tale signs of the changing of the tide. Which overall gave Henry a lot to think about. He listened carefully to James' story of why he and his daughter decided to leave Scotland and how that may impact everything, especially now they are seeking shelter as well as his help, during such times as these. Not only that they didn't come alone, as they brought along one serving girl too. Henry sat on his throne rubbing his chin whilst in deep thought, he even took into account what his council members' thoughts were on the matter. Just like any good king had before him, he listened instead of diverging off and onto his own course without proper analysation. If he refused them shelter and left them on the streets, it would mean he was abandoning those in need and his own people would question his decision. But if he accepted to help and offer them shelter in the meantime, this would mean greater tension coming their way from Scotland.

Just before he came to a decision the doors behind the Thomas' opened to reveal his son Prince Hal. Hal had only moments ago returned from an overnight stay at The Boar's Head tavern. The stale smell of sack was still lingering on his breath, and his disheveled curly hair was being compressed down by his hat. His appearance hadn't gone unnoticed by anyone, but least of all by his father. Hal maintained his formal and princely outward appearance despite that. He walked promptly into the room and bowed before he noticed a pretty young woman behind Alice. She caught a glimpse of him looking her way, but she was quick to look away. Despite her looks Hal then saw what anyone would from his status point of view, and that's the poor and dull clothing of a servant. When he returned to his fall height he then directed his attention to the Thomas' and greeted them, while paying no further attention to their serving girl behind them. Once Hal had greeted the Thomas' he went to stand by his younger brothers, who were standing off to the far side, beyond the council members on their father's far right. Henry's displeased looks only followed Hal as he got in front of the line of his younger brothers. After all this wasn't the first time Hal's tardiness had disrupted things, but Henry said nothing to him at this current moment.

"It has come to my attention that thy story matches what my council speaketh of. Matters of state are troublesome times and thou seek my help. If I were to turn thou away I would be judged by God and my people. I could not have the guilt on my conscience especially not now. Thou has my protection and thou can find shelter here." Henry announced before a coughing fit took over. His council were quick to act and cleared the room swiftly.

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