You little rascal!

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A/N: Like in the last prompt , I haven't given Tom and Reader's son a name, and I haven't named the interviewer either, so you can give them names if you so wish. Also thank you to Anonymous for sending me this prompt, I really enjoyed writing this one, and I hope you all like it 😊 x

Prompt request by Anonymous on Tumblr: Love Dad Tom fics 😍 Tom's toddler son is a little exhibitionist who constantly is taking his diaper off and running around. During a a zoom interview Tom has to block him from the interviewer. Tom's son trips and lands on a lego and Tom has to soothe him and will never let the kid live it down when he meets his girl friend. Please and thank you

Summary: Tom has a zoom interview to do whilst he's at home with your infant son and you're at work. However the interview doesn't quite go plain sailing, as your little rascal decides to cause mischief and decides to strip off his clothes before running across the room naked, but he trips and falls over his lego.


"Alrighty then little one, you've been fed and been changed." Tom says softly, as he carries his toddler son on his right hip into his home office, along with a box of the boy's logo and his favourite teddy bear in his other hand. "Daddy has an interview to do in a couple of minutes and I need you to be on your best behaviour, okay?" He adds, as he sets his son down onto his feet followed by putting the toys down once inside his home office. The little boy nods along in agreement which makes Tom smile.

When Tom was satisfied by his son nodding along in agreement he then tousled up the boy's blonde curls, causing the boy to smile and make cute little noises, before Tom stood back up to his full height. As much as Tom adores his son he knew he couldn't just stand around watching him, so he pulled out his chair and sat down at his desk, then he logged onto his computer and made sure he had everything set up ready for the zoom interview. Whilst he was making the last few adjustments he could hear his son starting to pull out his lego already. However it wasn't long before a notification popped up onto the computer screen inviting Tom to join the zoom meeting. He takes a calming breath ahead of accepting the invitation to begin the zoom call. The interviewer within seconds appeared onto Tom's screen, the zoom call was already set to record, and they greeted each other warmly with Tom's famous smile flashing.

Within the first few minutes of the interview the little boy had practically emptied out the entire box of legos all over the floor. The load crumbled and crashed out loud in a wave as they emptied out everywhere. The sound distracted Tom replying to the current question mid sentence, and as soon as he heard the legos being tipped out it caused him to swiftly look over his shoulder to check on the boy, who seemed pleased with himself. The boy is just sitting there on the floor playing with the huge pile of every colour, shape and size lego piece that are sprawled out before him.

"Is everything alright?" The interviewer asked, while they tried to peer past Tom through the screen to see if they could find the source of the commotion.

"Eehehe, yeah, it's just my son and his legos." Tom says, as he redirects his attention back to the screen. It takes them a couple of minutes before getting back on track with the last question.

However a bit later while the zoom interview was still ongoing and the boy no longer had interest in building with his legos, he took interest in Tom's book collection on the shelves instead. The different colours of books on the shelves drew the infant boy's attention to them and he crawled over to them on his hands and knees. Once the books are within his reach he babbles to himself as he begins to take the books off the shelves. Each book he grabs with his small hands he inspects with carelessness, due to his young age and his inability to actually hold some of the larger ones in his hands properly.

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