Man of the match

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A/N: Happy belated Father's Day from the UK!

Apologies that the Father's Day special is a day late this year, at least it's here unlike when I attempted to do a Mother's Day special, which didn't end up happening in the end. Anyway I hope you like my spin on this year's Soccer Aid match, I tried my best as I don't watch football usually. With the exceptions of Tom playing both this year and last year, as well as the year James McAvoy played, are the only times I've properly sat down and watched a game haha.

Summary: Tom got the privilege to play for England for the second time to help raise money for Unicef. He does tease the fans with his small shorts a lot, knowing what it will do to the swooning fans. Also his other half Zawe and little one are watching in the crowd.


The Avengers theme echoed throughout the stadium as Tom ran out onto the pitch while crowds of fans cheered him on. The match recommenced within thirty seconds give or take once Tom and his fellow team members were in position and their opposing team were also ready. As soon as the whistle blew everything was back in full swing.

His blood was pumping, his heart hammering, and adrenaline rushing throughout his entire body in no time. The thrill of being back on the pitch playing for England was a privilege for Tom, being able to reunite with teammates from the year prior was fun for him, as well as forming new friendships both on and off the pitch. Plus he knew his little shorts would be turning heads again, his pre-game warm ups alone had been a titillating sight for many swooning fans, it's safe to say he knows exactly what he's doing. If asked he was about it of course he'd only deny, deny, deny.

After playing for some time Tom got to do a penalty shot. As he picked up the ball he made sure to make a big deal for those sitting behind him watching, he made sure they got the view they wanted of his butt, but before he threw the ball back into the game his eyes gazed over the crowd. Spotting his other half Zawe and their little one, his pride and joy, watching him play. He blew them a quick kiss and saw his little one catching it with the cutest little smile on their face, seeing that warmed Tom's heart before he returned to the game.

While time wore on Tom got to be a part of the half time segment with Dermot O'Leary and Alex Scott act before Tom Walker performed. However he was done playing by the point and joined his teammates who were sitting out for the rest of the game. Although he was just as invested as he is when watching tennis with his over the top reactions that everyone adores. Every once in a while he would look over at Zawe and their little one, who would wave at him, while also making numerous excited noises which made Zawe laugh at how adorable their little one was being. Tom would always wave back and one of the times the camera caught him mouthing 'I love you' to them.

By the end of the match England won for the first time in years and in the process raised a lot of money for Unicef. Tom and some of the team who were watching ran out onto the pitch to join the others, sharing in their victory, piling up into a huge group for a team hug. The exhilarating feeling of winning surged through them like an extra boost of adrenaline. Once having gone through being awarded with fireworks being set off Zawe took their little one down to the pitch, as soon as they were their little one ran ahead of her, but she kept a close eye out. As soon as Tom saw his little one running towards him he crouched down with his arms held open, right when they were in reach he pulled them tightly into his arms, rising up before lifting them up into the air. Almost like they were flying high above everyone on the pitch for a moment, both smiling at one another, a small moment just the two of them. As Tom lowered his child and held them against his hip Zawe had by then joined them on the pitch. He then leant in and kissed her tenderly, uncaring how many could see them, yet when their lips parted Zawe couldn't help smiling and laughing along with him as it came over them suddenly.

"We're so proud of you, Tom." Zawe says, while she cups his cheek and her thumb caresses against it, while their little one plays with his winning medal around his neck. Sending Tom's heart soaring even higher than it already had from being on the winning team.

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