Just a little crush

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Prompt request by Florence_Nightwing on A03: After a grueling shoot Tom wants to get out of his costume. Sebastian is keeping Tom company as he gets naked. Seb mentions the P.A Tom fancy's and Tom gets arouse. Seb trys to wrestle a naked Tom outside to see the P.A teasingly. She knocks on the door asking to come in to go over some things. Tom is hard as a rock and can't bare to see her. Seb quickly rubs him out so he'll be ready. A little cracky lol.


Summary: Sebastian Stan and Tom Hiddleston are in the midst of a prank feud. As revenge for the obscene amount of shirtless photo's Tom had of himself plastered all over his trailer he tries to get Tom to admit he has a crush on you. In doing so Tom gets aroused by the imagery put into his mind. However Sebastian sees you walking in the direction of Tom's trailer, and Tom refuses to let you see him in such a predicament, at least not until he's dealt with it.


The call for the final cut after a gruelling thirteen hour day of filming caused a flood of relief amongst the cast and crew. It had been a day filled with a lot of action sequences and stunts, then again most days on a Marvel set required a lot from everybody, but today was the hardest thus far of the movie. Also, they had a few people visiting the set as well, some were family members and Sebastian Stan made an appearance too, despite his character wasn't required today. However he made plans with Tom Hiddleston after filming was done for the day, so Sebastian showed up early, and it meant he could annoy him more as a part of their little prank feud.

As Tom was chatting away with some members of the crew he kept glancing over into your direction as you were talking with the director and a few others. Your job being the director's personal assistant, but you also assisted elsewhere if you were needed. Occasionally you assisted in wardrobe which is where you met Tom. Of course Sebastian had noticed Tom glancing your way several times, so he decided not to stay put in his chair much longer, he jumped out of his chair and began to run. He ran quickly over to Tom and the crew members once Tom's eyes weren't on you, except your eyes were on him instead, after Sebastian had drawn your attention in that direction. You even chuckled when you saw Sebastian jump up onto Tom's back and messed up his Loki wig. Yet you were quick to look away soon thereafter and returned to listening to the director whilst you continued to make notes.

"Thank you very much." Tom said with mock annoyance and let Sebastian down.

"Come on, Loki has had time to play." Sebastian joked as he was set down onto his feet. Tom shook his head whilst smiling at Sebastian. Both knowing full well that Tom was prone to slide his Loki side into everyday life anyway.

Once they finished talking with the crew members they walked to Tom's trailer not from the set and Tom had grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge as soon as they arrived. They clinked the bottles when they both had one and they teased each other some more. Along with promises that they'd up the other on their game during their prank feud. After several minutes had passed Sebastian had certainly made himself at home on the sofa, as Tom lent against the kitchenette countertop, after he unclasped his cape and threw it down next to Sebastian. Although half way through their conversation and their beers Tom had begun to unclasp other parts of his Asgardian armour and rolled his shoulders to ease the ache in them.

"So, what's the deal with you and Y/N?" Sebastian asked along with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Nothing..." Tom shrugged.

"Really? That's all you're going to say? Because you can't deny you have the hots for her." Sebastian said then took another swig of his beer.

"I'm not confirming nor denying anything." Tom replied and took off his Loki wig before gently putting it on the display dummy's head.

Tom Hiddleston one shot/drabble collectionWhere stories live. Discover now