You're an excellent specimen

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A/N: This is my first one shot about Robert Laing and if you enjoy this then please check out my ongoing mini series Experiments.

Prompt requested by Arkham_Alice on A03: Hi, me again, so happy to see High-Rise fics, underrated film and great book. I have a High-Rise request. It's the scene Where Charlotte drops the champagne and Robert is sunbathing and calls him a specimen. The premise is an extension of the scene. Robert steps on a piece of bottle and Charlottes asked Richard to check on him. Richard is reluctant gets down their and checks, no blood, but wanting to impress Charlotte and being a sadistic bastard he stars examining Roberts body. Charlotte is turned on and fingers herself. Richard lays Robert over his lap and spanks him showing off his but to Charlotte. Charlotte and Richard climax. Sorry if it's to explicit lol.

Summary: Charlotte Melville can't stop eye fucking her neighbour Dr Robert Laing in the apartment below her's. His practically naked appearance very much caught her attention. Also due to her clumsiness meant that Robert accidentally tramped on the glass that had fallen onto his balcony. After she sent their other neighbour Richard Wilder to go check up on him, that's when Wilder had the idea to conduct his own 'professional examination" to show off to her.


The sound of shattering glass aroused Robert from his sleep and startled him enough to make him bolt up onto his feet from his plastic orange lounger. The building's welcome pack had fallen from his crotch onto the grey titles during his state of panic, while his white shirt that was laying across his face, now is his only modesty shield. Also because he was barefoot he accidentally trampled over the empty broken green glass bottle that landed on his balcony from the apartment above.

He heard the tinkering of glass hitting the side of the balcony above him, along with the laughter coming from the woman who lives there.

The woman pops her head over whilst she holds her martini glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. "I'm so sorry," she says between fits of laughter. "I'm so sorry." She repeats more collectively this time, as she sees Robert struggling to keep his privates covered.

Whereas her male companion simply kept watch from his position, leaning against the grey stone wall, his hands filled with a whiskey glass and a cigarette in the other. Occasionally he takes a puff while he remains quietly listening in on the two exchanging a few words.

"I'll survive." Robert replies and whences a little from the glass piecing his skin.

"I don't doubt it." She said, her eyes taking in every available ounce of him from above. "You're an excellent specimen." Her eyes darken slightly as she speaks and causes Robert to blush.

Robert managed to ignore the glass below his feet for a moment, as he looked up at her with one hand still keeping his manhood covered with his shirt. His jaw slackened, one eyebrow slightly raised, and his cheeks starting to redden which was caused by her forward boldness. Yet it was a mere fleeting expression which was replaced by a smile gracing his thin lips.

"I thought you were empty." She adds then she takes a puff of her cigarette.

"Er...erm...I just moved in." Robert mumbles and indicates to the side of him at the opened sliding door of his balcony. Despite that, she's basically unable to see it from where she stands.

"I'm Charlotte Melville." She finally introduces herself, as she exhales another cloud of smoke into the air.

"Hi." Robert said almost too quietly due to her gaze having gotten him stuck in some kind of trance. "I-I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep." He adds, as he starts to flutter about awkwardly, realising he's still naked.

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