A bit of mischief pool side part 1

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Prompt request by VampireQueen666: If I may be so bold I had a Tom x Tom x Chris story. The three are temporary living together while filming Endgame 1 The three of them are at the pool. Hem and Holland are splashing around and Hiddleston is reading a book in the shade. Feeling frisky Hem pulls off his bathing suit and then yanks off Hollands. As they are ruff housing Hem is teasing Hiddleston with Hollands body like biting and slapping Hollands ass, ticking him for example. Hiddleston then joins and all three fool around.

A/N: I added some little things throughout, but hopefully it doesn't disappoint x


Summary: Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland get into some mischief by the pool side. Along with Chris' persistence and playfulness while running around with Holland whilst flaunting their assets, Tom Hiddleston's attention finally lands on them. Despite how much Hiddleston tries to put some distance between himself from the situation, he just can't control his own mischievous side, nor can he control his ergs as it turns out.


Just before filming began for Avengers: End Game Chris Hemsworth invited his best friend Tom Hiddleston to come stay with him in a luxury villa, a place where he decided to rent for the duration of filming, instead of 'slumming it' in some hotel room for a change. At first Tom thought it would be a bit extravagant and he was even considering turning down Chris' invite. Usually though Tom and Chris would get together and rekindle the benefits part of their relationship. Benefits that first occurred during Thor: The Dark World. Of course the pair had gotten along since day one, but it wasn't until TDW when they drunkenly first explored and pushed the boundaries of their friendship. Neither regretted what they had done the next morning and from then on they continued this secret friendship with benefits for every Marvel movie they were in together. However when Tom Holland popped up from nowhere and he innocently showed interest in being Chris's roommate instead Hiddleston instantly became jealous. Holland also topped it off with his cheeky smile and his eyes sparkled with excitement. Clearly he'd been listening to their conversation the entire time and was willing to be Hiddleston's replacement. Albeit, Hiddleston's utterly jealousy along with his thoughts that were provoking that side of him too didn't help matters. He just didn't like the idea of them being alone together, especially not while this was usually when he himself and Chris got together, it was their alone time offset. In fact to make things more interesting or rather for Hiddleston to get his way, he challenged Holland to a race. The fastest runner would get to be Chris' roommate and the loser would have to stay in a hotel with everyone else. No doubt the challenge was intriguing to both Holland and Chris and with that being said the challenge was accepted.

The challenge wasn't without its rules though.

"Rule number one...no tripping up the other contender. Rule number two...the correct footwear must be worn and laces tied properly, because loose laces could also apply to rule number one. Rule number three....at the end the loser has to be gentlemanly about his defeat, but before that we're free to have a little banter." Hiddleston said firmly, but then he softened up when he mentioned that they could still banter before the race, despite his jealousy still very much present.

"Seems fair to me, you're on Hiddles." Holland said confidently. Both Toms then shook hands while Chris smiled from ear to ear and looked back and forth between them with childish glee.

Two days later as both Toms took their places at the starting line, they both glared at each other with assertiveness in themselves dripping from their pores, even before a single bead of sweat could be broken. They each teased the other and banter rolled freely off their tongues. Chris had to get them to settle down a little before he below the whistle and then both Toms began to run the full length of the track. One lap and the fastest to cross the line would be Chris' roommate.

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